Originally Posted by Solid Snake
You guys are so rude sometimes, seriously.
There are apparently people -- male, approximately our age -- on the interwebs who have wasted hours upon hours of their lives writing real dozens-page-long MLP: FIM fanfiction, drawing complex and ornate MLP: FIM fanart, dressing up as furries and attending fantasy conventions, and you think I need help because I wasted fifteen minutes writing something as a joke intended to make y'all laugh?
Call me thin-skinned or whatever but given your collective pony crushes you're just pots insulting kettles, and it's starting to feel less like you're trying to be funny or clever in response to my posts and more like you're just tryin' to tear me down, and if that's the case you can let me know and I'll stop fucking wasting time posting here and presuming you're all cool folks who I can consider friends.
Snake forgive me if I'm wrong but did you not in fact write a near essay length post about why someone else was totally wrong about Kanaya being totally friendly with Rarity?
Whether you meant it or not that's not something everypony would appreciate in good humor.