Originally Posted by The Sevenshot Kid
This is totally off-topic but have you read any of the New Krypton stuff from the past couple of years? There's this great scene where all the Kryptonians head out and start murdering Superman's enemies as a thank you for fixing Kandor only for him to freak the fuck out. And their reaction to his freak-out is priceless. They basically tell him, "We're just doing you a favor, man. You don't have to be a dick about it."
No, I haven't followed that, but I
do remember that Justice League episode where the alternate dimension "Justice Lords" version of the heroes had made the world into a fabulous utopia by demolishing world governments and lobotomizing violent criminals like the Joker. The Justice League's response is to ruin their wonderful paradise 'cause "something something authoritarianism something something free will."
Originally Posted by The Sevenshot Kid
May I refer you back to the previous fork beard that went out of style hundreds of years ago.
Yeah but it went with his Robin Hood get-up. If they want to modernize him just give him a normal beard or fumanchu. Not muttonchops or an Amish beard or a neckbeard or whatever is going on there.