Originally Posted by Sifright
If you didn't understand fenris i'm saying hes trying to troll.
Not trying to troll, but perhaps less clear in my points than I'd like.
Originally Posted by Sifright
The part where you think a person with a sword is any where near as dangerous as person with a gun might be why it is not as heavily regulated. Same with bows. Do you honestly think the average person could kill or injure 60+ people with a sword at the same time the same goes for the bow.
Your arguments aren't based in sound rational logic. You are reaching for anything you can rationalize the idea that guns should be legal and comparing them to things that are in no way like them but could be used to hurt others. To become proficient enough to kill some one with your bare hands is not that simple or easy any scrub with a gun can shoot you from 15 yards away in the chest that is whole reason armies moved away from bows and arrows to guns.
Guns are easy to use and VERY accurate.
A guns inherent function isn't just dangerous it's designed ONLY TO KILL.
You keep fixating on the tool idea, whilst a gun may fit the technical definition calling it a tool removes all of the context of it's function and is specious. A gun is meant only to kill. Guns aren't used for any other reason.
A hammer could be used to kill, but that isn't its intended function. You keep trying to obfuscate that point.
Double edit:
What the fuck I just read your blurb like about pesticides, You are seriously trying to compare pesticides to guns now? For a start pesticides aren't used to kill humans. Why the fuck am I even having to explain something so basic and obvious?
My point is that I don't care what its intended function is because anything that exists can be used for something that wasn't its intended purpose. In this discussion, that means that if a thing exists, someone can find a way to kill you with it. The guns are simply a means to an end and what I'm saying is that going after the means through which people commit these atrocities doesn't affect the ends of a lot of people being dead.
See, I think this next part is where you and I may have a fundamental disagreement Sif. I don't think it's guns that are the problem, it's the people using them and I would much rather spend time discussing what we can do about that.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
- Robert Heinlein