I want to emphasize something here. I highly, highly doubt Liz or anyone else who's into these kinds of topics thinks they are completely free of prejudice, because as humans that's pretty much impossible. As such, if someone points out something that I said as prejudiced or offensive, I actually consider it a gesture of respect, because they thought that they could challenge my perspective with the potential for something good to come out of it. There are certain people (not referring to anyone on this board, mind) who are so set in their ways and views that there's nothing to be done about them, and really all you can do is ignore them. I believe the majority of NPFers are NOT these people. However, if we all try to be informative to each other, that it a great benefit to us all.
Many members here have had their views shaped by NPF for the better. Why don't we try to keep that going? Having your views challenged is pretty much always going to feel somewhat offensive, but it is not because the other person is seeking to offend. Pain is part of life, but the pain from changing one's perspective is not insurmountable nor a bad thing. It is quite healthy, in fact.
Last edited by pochercoaster; 07-30-2012 at 07:00 PM.