Originally Posted by Sifright
given USA has a population size of nearly 400 millions thats a pretty monstrously large market no longer being supplied you can be sure as shit the companies would switch over rather than lose out on being able to sell product.
edit: Legislation works far faster for this kind of thing.
this is true. For good or ill the US is the single most influential market on the planet. Any company wishing to compete on the global market would be wise to appeal to the American consumer. Which is why I was saying changing the consumers buying habits would have a significant impact. However
Originally Posted by Sifright
If you make a regional law stating all goods sold cannot use x method it doesn't matter what the other nations do their product can no longer be sold in your country.
Thats less true. The law to ban US companies from using a method doesn't mean goods obtained this way cannot be sold here. Otherwise my example of sweatshop manufacturing wouldn't exist. While it is possible to also ban a good being sold that is a different piece of legislation and one that is hard to get passed.
Americans like their freedom to choose, especially when the option you are talking about banning is the cheaper one. Besides this would still allow niche foreign markets to exist. Keep in mind we do have a ban on whaling, but that hasn't stopped it.