Knife of Dreams (Book 11 of the 10000000 Book Series)
All joking aside, I finally got around to reading Knife of Dreams and I was pleasanty surprised. It was enjoyable. It had a good plot. It actually had a little bit of adventure and a lot of action. It was good. I never thought I'd associate that with a WoT book again, but my faith has been (somewhat) renewed
Maybe it does and maybe it does not make up for the pits that were Winter's Heart and the abominable Crossroads of Twilight, but I have to say my interests in Robert Jordan's mega-series has been reignited and I eagerly await the 3000 page 12th novel A Memory of Light he claims will wrap up the main series of The Wheel of Time.
Anyway, anyone else's thoughts? I'm probably behind on the times, not reading it until now...