Originally Posted by Khael!
OH MY GOD! XD Stupid stick man.
That's drop dead amazing CJ! You used stippling didn't you? You poor yet patient thing. I wouldn't mind more progress pics, to be honest.
All I can think of for the bottom strip is that it need to be a cut from a different scene all together. Like maybe a long shot with silhouettes of a couple samurai warriors running at one another. You could do some sort of gradient effect on the sky to divide it into separate frames, rather than use actual frames. It could show different shots of them through their fight, with like, the last one with only one warrior still standing honourably. I don't really know. They wouldn't have to kill if you didn't want them to.
That might be cool *contemplates*
Oh yes, and it's not stippled, it's scribbled. Heh I learned my lesson with stippling a long time ago. ^^ I don't think I have enough time/patience to stipple it.
But I'm glad you like it!
And funny garfield comic. XD
Phil- Nice comic ^^ What was in the box?