The pathless will do great, but if they have a heavy burden to carry, they must either move very slowly or fall often. Also, beyond this, you're right, the analogy begins to break down.
I'd say that follows more into the realm of skill, Int skill = faster travel, wis skills means ignoring obstacles and simplifying the route to the most A to B.
I would be biased toward wisdom over intelligence too, however that's not entirely accurate, although I see what you're saying. You would err on the side of intuitive elements instead of carefully worn treads. I'd refudiate this by saying that if we don't have have those carefully worn paths, we wouldn't have a society - we'd fail to have viable forms of communication, as we'd all be attempting to "intuit" everything. No, each person needs their own well-worn neural pathways, otherwise we'd still be at square one - a square at which no flaming swords, internet, or other things for pleasure could exist, as we'd be not have anything but intuition. In other words, while wisdom is superior, we need both, otherwise we have nothing.
The old societies worked just fine, and didn't destroy the planet. I represent the path metaphor as disparaging upon the rampant growth of Int over Wis because we as a people aren't fucking mature enough to deal with it, 500 years ago we were drinking booze instead of water... this is not a long time!
C'mon you apes, you want to die tomorrow?