Originally Posted by Lady Fire Dove
It's interesting how most of your fond memories involve combat, Krogo, whereas mine don't ... and it's funny how you like the city parts of a campaign less ... those are my favorite parts! I comletely thrive on the character interaction.
Out of curiosity for anyone else reading this, in addition to wanting to hear more fun character memories, I'd love to know:
Who tends to prefer the combat adventures and who tends to prefer the character-driven ones?
I enjoy the city ones, but the stories really aren't as awesome to tell as combat ones. I mean, I could tell you how I haggled the merchant down on price of the full plate, or how while escaping from a group of assassin's I cast light on a stone then threw it away and spooked the common folk. But it's no where near as exciting to spin the tale of how the Mighty Dwarf Cleric did expand his mass and lay waste into the hell spawned enemies of they party with his mighty warhammer that was forged by the gods and smite them with mighty swings that would have uproated a tree. Really, when it comes to story telling combat is far more exciting to go into detail. My Cleric does have a reputation in the City of burning things that has the common folk avoid him at all costs, it's quite funny to see them part before him as he strolls down the street, clanking in his new armour with a feverish gleen in his eyes!