Originally Posted by Odjn
Well technically there's all kinds of evil doods who never killed anyone and then gotten beaten up so yeah. Oh and it's worse to be in comics land because then you're saying Well, it's ok for me to send this guy to the same jail he just broke out of after killing forty people and now that I've done that I better help clean up this fifty people. That's incompetence.
This is complete nonsense. You reducing morality to a simple math equation of how many people live and how many die- not even utilitarians do this (and if they did the utility loss of letting a few individuals adminster justice and death should easily outwiegh the benefits), not even comic books do this.
As discussed above, superman doesn't say "Oh I'll let this person die to save a 100 people" he tries to save everybody and generally does because that's what he does. Superman is pretty good at saving everyone.
Also also. Villains can't be 'cured.' People can choose to change but they're not cured because that would imply they're forced to be good. Superman lobotomizing them in the Justice Lord dimension is a cure.
I'm saying this in relation to a comic book world where there is "evil" and "good" as definite concepts and one of them is inherentely bad and liek a disease. Comic book people don't work like real people, villains generally can't choose to change because they are cast as archetypal villains. You are trying to hodge-podge comic book morality with real people- it doesn't work.