Then let me put that smile right back on your face. 'm outta here.
I guess life is just... well, catching up to me. Stuff's been happening, there's been some major changes, there's just been so much to deal with; school, health, family. Arc spotted me on TF2 yesterday, and that was literally the second time in weeks that I've had the time and energy to actually do anything not involving work of some sort. Now's particuarly intense, for a couple of reasons I'd rather not go into, and it'll get better. But I don't think by much.
It's not that I don't have fun here. I do. Hell, I feel at home here! And I'll certainly lurk a bit, and maaaybe throw in a post here or there (though I doubt it). And I'm sure you all have chat clients. I certainly hope so, I wanna keep in touch. But I can't promise that I'll be around at all, and I really don't think I can keep up with commitments. That includes umbral and trollslum. And I'm really, really sorry about that, particuarly the latter. People have been putting work into this, I've made a commitment to be part of it, and I feel like crap for leaving like this. But there's things I have to put first. And I'm honestly sorry.
I'll spend time putting stuff in order, getting your IM screennames, that sort of thing. I can make that much time. Bard, AB, my characters are yours. I'll make one more post for both, you tell me what it should contain. My inbox is empty again (had no idea that it was full, that was just stupid coincidence), so a PM would work.
Bard, I wanna talk to you in particular. I think we can at least finalize a couple of things, and then it'll just be poor little Scalis I'm abandoning. And maybe we can work something out for him, some... clean break, one that doesn't hurt the RP. There's gotta be something. I don't wanna spoil other people's work any more than I'm already doing.
AB, you've always seemed to have a pretty good picture of Impact. Not the picture I intended, but eh. Treat him as an NPC, have him go about his world-dominating ways, or don't. Hey, maybe this'll be Pierce's big break.
Like I said above, I wanna stay in touch with you guys.
All of you wait fuck Drac's gonna read this Most of you are great people. I actually feel I've learned quite a bit from and I don't wanna break off all contact, cause I just know I'd regret that.
Hell, I regret this already. But it's necessary. I've been vague as to why but... bluh. Just trust me on this one? Please?
Huh. Is that already it? I'm sorry, I've got to go, I'm sorry...
Ah, yes, one last thing. Thank you, all of you. Like I said, you've impressed me, made me laugh, made me think. I've learned a lot here, I've changed in a few ways (for the better, I think, I hope), I respect many of you, and you deserve it. Keep being awesome.
And I think that wraps it up.
If I can, if time frees up, if I just get better at dealing with stuff, if I can help it, I'll be back. Like I said, I feel at home here, this place makes me laugh. I want to return. But it might be months or a year or three.
And until then, ladies and gentlemen, this
has been Geminex, wannabe strategist, master of overeloquence and hopefully not too much of an asshole. And if I may be permitted one last bit of self-indulgence,
allow me to play myself out.
Thank you and goodnight.