Originally Posted by h4x.m4g3
Hey I'm black and proud. 1/2 black but still
No I'm not going to be the black guy who blames everything on "whitey." Its not the fault of "the man" that some black people are the way they are. In some cases the racist allegations are true, but that doesn't mean everytime something goes wrong minorities can blame "whitey." If anything in today's society blacks are becoming the racist (in my community at least). If a black guy goes out with a girl that happens to be white all of a sudden he's going out with that "white skank". And if a guy who happens to be white starts listening to hippety-hoppity or slurring their speach he's "acting black."
On a side note I'm extremely smart (smarter then all the "whiteys" at my school, [I'm in a magnet school]) i'm not poor, I don't buy $500 shoes, If anything I am the Computer Geek, not the hippety hoppity black guy.
the point is you can't blame things on race, only yourself, unles you happen to be in the pressence of an actual racist, but that's gotta be what 20% of any claims based on race. You can only blame yourself, and in some cases your upbringing.
Do they call you a traitorous black gone white?
Where I come from, that's what happens to all the black people who break the mold and go for that lifestyle where pants wrap around the waist and average GPA scores exceed 1.9.
Or are you just "ghetto fabulous."
Edit: I'm deleting all that crap. I don't even think it properly represents my side. Mixed up words, for sure. I'll get into a fight that I don't even understand why I'm in if I leave that stuff there...