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Unread 01-15-2005, 04:41 AM   #1
Funka Genocide
Sent to the cornfield
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Funka Genocide can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Funka Genocide can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Funka Genocide can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Funka Genocide can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Funka Genocide can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Funka Genocide can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Funka Genocide can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Funka Genocide can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Default Drive by Haiku!

An interesting phenomena swept over the forums the other day, inspired by one mad genius.

That madman was Sithdarth, who unknowingly sparked a revolution in poetic warfare.

I present to you my list of victims, may there be mercy on us all!

this is the original one sent to me by Sithdarth

This is something new
Feel my wrath through this Haiku
The Drive by Haiku

and my reply!

stunned and wounded I,
not expecting such a thing,
must run for cover!

and so it began...

Armoured Bishoujo was first to feel my wrath!

I didn't make up
drive by haiku, Sithdarth did
but I find it fun!

and then it was BMG!

run for cover you!
its time for drive by haiku!
please do not hurt me?

who, after being defeated by my devastating haiku attack, decided to join me in my efforts.

soon after, Zweihander was felled by haiku

victim number 5
another one feels the rage
of haiku driveby!

and then Cloud Strife...

you are next to feel
the wrath of drive by haiku!
BAM! how tastes justice?

Bob the Mercenary

what am I doing?
drive by haiku, for sure dude!
now eat power bar!


now I'm a menace
behold my haiku power!
the victims list grows!

Skywarrior KC...

sprite master you are
but haiku will bring you down!
feel the haiku pain!


funny this must seem
my random haiku attack!
calvinball roxxors!

Squishy Cheeks...

used to be Jadguy
now some squishy cheeks it seems
I hope that gets fixed!

and Meister too!

meister der sandwich
they sell that here in Japan
I don't speak German.

now Osterbaum!

who made you captain?
was it Finlands government?
how much do they pay?

Adamark as well!

thats a great hat there
real official looking too
eat haiku justice!


Asuka is best!
so we both agree on that
though she is quite mean.

VA_Ninja got one too

haiku attack now!
VA has great artistry
"its a wolf!" I know!

And Archbio...

whats with the bunny?
it really does creep me out
teeth like that scare me

and then Foamy..

you killed the bad guy!
thats not supposed to happen
way too much power.


running out of wit
I've hit the bottom sadly
suck haiku sucker!


pictures worth a mint
wish I were as good, but not
so I use haiku


sea creatures are dumb
I smash them with buster steel!
they make squishing noise


herald of chaos
dark knight of supreme evil
no match for haiku!

QueenQeeko was defeated as well!

my haiku attack!
a blue mage will learn to use
haiku against me!

And then Chicago Lollie

bag of tacquitos
the perfect weapon you say?
nothing to haiku!

my rage for poetic justice has not been sated yet, who will be next to face my haiku wrath?

Maybe you!

Last edited by Funka Genocide; 01-16-2005 at 12:01 PM.
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