09-13-2006, 11:53 PM | #11 |
Master of Dirac Function Kata
Real Name: J.R. Sanders
Nicknames?: Jax Age: 17 Height: 5'5" Weight: 120, and mostly muscle. Gender: I have been in a multitude of shapes. Favorite Games: Baldur's Gate (2), Neverwinter Nights, DDR in all of its leg-mauling variations, Jeopardy for the NES Favorite 8-Bit Theatre char: Red Mage. Sport(s)?: Fencing, fencing, and fencing. I'll watch baseball too. Movie(s)?: Memento, Amelie, Much Ado About Nothing (Branaugh version) Book(s)?: "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!", The Elegant Universe, The Dark is Rising Cycle, my series-in-progress And last but not least, tell us about yourselves so we dont have to look in your bio to find out! :P : I'm a sophomore physics/math major at a tiny liberal arts college in West Michigan. Basically, point your left index finger to the bottom of the hollow in your right palm... that's about where Kalamazoo is. I fence serially, enjoy music, literature, and theatre, and speak French and Japanese at the level of the average five-year-old. My friend Matt has dubbed me Red Mage due to my constant state of geekiness, including a storied trip to the nearest bourgeois commercial center (mall) in which we loudly discussed whether one had to emulate alignment: neutral evil to enter Hot Topic. |