Originally Posted by King
"Welcome, my subjects. I'm sure you're all wondering why I have called you here today."
"Oh, he's a bloody genius," Curua muttered quietly to himself. "Why does he need a Seer with those wonderful powers of insight?"
Originally Posted by Dirk
"I don't mean to be blunt, you're highness, but I have to know. Will I be getting paid for this?"
"Oh yes, oh yes of course," Curua mumbled grumpily, much too quiet to be heard by those around him. "You'll get a lovely little grave on the side of the road, just like all the other brave warriors who go out on these bloody missions. Or if you survive, you might earn enough coins to buy yourself the amount of ale necessary to help you forget all the horrors you've seen. Well, tallyho, let's all go out and have a jolly good time saving the bloody kingdom from evil."
He was, as one might gather, not in the best of moods at the moment.