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Unread 01-14-2011, 02:54 PM   #11
Overcast's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Trespassing in the graveyard
Posts: 3,076
Overcast bakes the most delicious cookies you've ever tasted. Overcast bakes the most delicious cookies you've ever tasted. Overcast bakes the most delicious cookies you've ever tasted. Overcast bakes the most delicious cookies you've ever tasted. Overcast bakes the most delicious cookies you've ever tasted. Overcast bakes the most delicious cookies you've ever tasted.
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>Reader: Abscond.

Uh oh, you just ran face first into SEYMOUR.

>Reader: First, change pants. Then, be Seymour.

You succeed in being Seymour.

You have been swimming in the waters since your protege has taken to playing silly games with his friends. You allow him these times, but only if he has earned them. After the truce you swore for the day you figure he has. In your time away you have taken a rather large squid, it was already injured when you found it so it was easy pickings. Though a bit inky. You amuse yourself with chewing on its corpse, but keep an eye out for anything that might smell the blood in the water.

The seas are never safe after all.

>Seymour: Be shocked.

Why would he be shocked, he is a perfectly competent hunter in these waters, nothing short of an alien monstrosity could...what was that sound?

>Seymour: STRIFE!

No, it wasn't that. It was a crashing sound. Far in the distance but loud enough to be worrying. Like thunder. Then the waves came, knocking you around a bit and forcing you to take heed. You swam up to the surface and stared about, looking for the cause of these strange tides.

Then there it was, the falling rocks. Out from the sky the flaming bastards crashed into the land and sea. Most harmless, if a bit shocking. None so huge as to make an issue, but it was worrisome. You decided you did not trust your ward alone at a time like this, and began the swim home. Squid in tow of course.

>Seymour: Be Leraje.

You are now Leraje. You have been waiting a short bit for Caoway to get his nerves together and start the game up you've been hearing distant echos that are starting to make you nervous and you'd rather you save your ass before it ends up dead in whatever way this game plans to end it.

For now though you are just keeping an eye on your memo.

Open MemoOO: oh good!
OO: then that sholvesh the problem of what to do with all the decomposhing carcasshesh!

CSS: ...
SH: come on gorrma lets play who cares what some dumb manual says come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

You really need to find the time to deal with Zeb, he is becoming slightly insufferable with his stupid. Still you expect this from him, it is part of why you let him join. He has all this enthusiasm and energy, you could only imagine what it could do if it was channeled in the right direction.

>Leraje: Get trolled by Scalis

Open PesterlogpandorasArchivist [PA] started trolling absentPsychologist
PA: Agiants my...
PA: Better Jegdument
PA: And beviele me, I take pride in the fact that it is usaully much better than this
PA: So much betret, you cuold not corhepmend
PA: Awynay...
PA: I have come to restequ advice of a...
PA: Ronactim tanure.
PA: It regards Zebrek.
PA: To my eretnal shame.

AP: Romantic, eh?
AP: And with Zeb?
AP: Do, go. On.

PA: Befoer your train of thuohgt strays into the uttelry riciludous, it is Blackrom.
PA: I think. I do not even know.
PA: He is juts so... inurifating.

AP: So people say.
AP: But, I don't...know how capable. He is. With Blackrom.
AP: I want him, to be. But I don't think. He is ready...yet.
AP: I mean...what has. He done to piss you, off. That he probably...wouldn't have done. To. Everyone?

PA: It is his... narute.
PA: I think I am one of few trolls, if not the only
PA: Ufnotrunate enuogh to raelly udnertsand who he is
PA: Waht he repesrenst.

AP: And, what. Is that?
PA: He is...
PA: Suferpicial.
PA: Blind to... etheryving.
PA: Etheryving that matters.

AP: What matters. To you. Maybe.
AP: He has. His own, priorities.
AP: some. They may...seem, odd.
AP: But, they make him.

PA: No, I... doubt it, atcually.
PA: He has no pirorities.
PA: He has no cocnept of pirority.
PA: He just... bindls hismelf to the world.
PA: And brings chaos where he treads.

AP: He, seems. Disorienting. But, chaos.
AP: Chaos is bigger, than he. Seem capable of, right now.
AP: He believes, in good. Things. He held his breath, till.
AP: He passed out, just to see. If we'd help him save. The world.
AP: That we. Can't save.
AP: We kept telling, him. But he belives. What he believes.
AP: That is. What makes him. Chaotic.

PA: It is what makes him blind.
PA: Blind to raelity.
PA: Etrenally irognant.
PA: You ask me to anckowlege his pirorities.
PA: But he has no udnerandsting of mine, or yours.
PA: Refuses to see.
PA: And that is...

AP: <3= him. Eh?
AP: But, how. Does he feel, about you?
AP: I accept. Your hate, is, proper. But...he hate.
AP: Just a. Lot of stupid.

PA: That is the porblem.
PA: I do not think I can stop hitang him.
PA: But it is to be...
PA: Fovorer unquerited.
PA: What do I do?

AP: ._. Hmm.
AP: -_- Mmm.
AP: I shall try. To change him. If he...can hate. I'll try to. See him, hate you.
AP: But for now, just watch. Him. Imagine. How he, reacts, to everything.
AP: And see. Your black entry, then shoot.
AP: That, is all I have, for now.

PA: Canghe him indeed.
PA: This... cofnuses me. Never hadet before.
PA: I need to resvole this soon.
PA: So hurry.

AP: We'll see.
AP: Bye. ._.

absentPsychologist [AP] stopped being trolled by pandorasArchivist [PA]

An interesting development, you'll definitely need to keep an eye on Zeb then. You are still unsure of how you will get him to hate, but in games like this you have the chance to feel all sorts of emotions. Especially one that hits as close to home as this one seems to.

Anyway, back to the memo.

Open MemoCURRENT melancholicChumly [CMC] responded to memo-
CMC: Zeb, S\hut the fuck up.
CMC: You'll play when your client'S\ rea/)y.
CMC: Not one S\econ/) S\ooner.
CMC: Lera/je, I'm rea/)y on thiS\ en/).
CMC: My huS\ktop'S\ ol/). It will take a few minuteS\ to loa/).
CMC: I'm G\oinG\ take care of S\ome thinG\S\ I've been puttinG\ off.
CMC: S\ee you all S\oon.
CMC: I hope.

CURRENT melancholicChumly [CMC] ceased responding to memo.
spectacularHellion [SH] has begun holding his breath.
AP: Zeb, please don't. Do that. I need, you breathing. When they come.
AP: At any rate. Installing now. Join...a private chat. If you'd like.

Well, it seems it is time to start then. You insert the disc into your computer and let it run, your advanced processors changing from their endless shipping arrangements toward running the SGRUB. This is it.

where doing it man

You enter and get your first look at his hive. It is a damn mudborn fatbeast sty. You shake your head in disgust at the appearance of the shipwreck hovel, it is about time to start trolling.

Open PesterlogabsentPsychologist [AP] started trolling melancholicChumly [MC]
AP: ...this place is trashed.
AP: What. Are you. Doing?
[color="indigo]AP: I'm...going to start. Cleaning, this place. Up. Until the things. Start...arriving.[/color]
MC: ThinG\S\?
AP: Monsters.
AP: Normal...FLARP typically, has. Monster spawn, guided. By a client. Of the opposite, team.
AP: In this, case. As I am, leading you. I imagine, the monsters...will automatically. Spawn. And likely scale, to us. As we...level.
AP: But there. Are always. Monsters.
AP: Always.

You wish you could see him, while you are enjoying tossing his things in random piles around his altogether disorganized house filled with whatever sharl had tricked him into buying and other things he picked up, or(ugh) written in his so called "adventures." There was something unnerving about not having his player in view.

You decide to ease your mind by checking out some of the menu's in further detail.

>Examine Phernalia Registry

There is a whole list of junk in here that you figure you can actually put in his hive. Worth a shot, the place could use some furnishing.

Open PesterlogAP: ...there. I believe, I've cleared. Enough. Space to fit, some of these. Strange items.
AP: Dammit. What the hell, is grist?

MC: No i/)ea.
MC: Wait, /)i/) you S\ay S\omethinG\ about clearinG\ S\pace?

AP: Yes.
AP: You're hive. Is a mess.
AP: What with, all the junk. You write. And buy, from Sharl.
AP: Had to move some. Things.

MC: Whatever.
MC: It /)oeS\n't really matter anymore.
MC: AlthouG\h it iS\ worth mentioninG\ that Beechie'S\ block probably woul/) have been biG\ enouG\h to hol/) whatever it iS\ you're deployinG\.

AP: Bluh. Alright...I may have. Been taking out. Some...personal criticisms. On your writings.
AP: There. I said. It.
AP: Anyway. This is free. So let's start with that. It is called a Cruxtruder.
AP: It looks kinda neat.

MC: Fine, /juS\t S\et it here.
AP: Alright I...

>Leraje: Notice something weird.

It would appear that your client has some sort of corpse on his back. Why would he do that? Was that what he was off doing when you started, his little ocean life reaper junk.

Open PesterlogAP: What is that, on your back there?
MC: Beechie.

That was not the answer you were expecting. For a moment you can't seem to move, and then you start unconsciously doing things. Not really thinking, just acting.

Open PesterlogAP: Oh no.
AP: Is it...

MC: ...Yes.
MC: There was a tidal wave.
MC: And some sharp rocks.
MC: It was all my fault.
MC: ...
MC: Weren't you G\oinG\ to /)eploy S\omethinG\?

AP: ...yes.
AP: I put your writings back.
AP: I'm sorry...I...
AP: ...

MC: Lera/je, thank you for the S\ympathy but..
MC: We /)on't have time for thiS\.
MC: Take a look outS\i/)e.
MC: S\omethinG\ tellS\ me that S\tar S\hower out there iS\n't /juS\t a happy coinci/)ence.

You shake yourself aware, he's right. Lives are at stake right now. Mostly his life, and you both have a game to play to save yourselves. This is most unsettling, but you have to get beyond it. For him.

Open PesterlogMC: Now, what /)o I /)o with thiS\?
AP: ...I have no idea.
AP: There is some. Kind of wheel on the side.
AP: And...the, top looks. Openable.
AP: Just fool. With it. A bit.

MC: Poppe/) open pretty eaS\ily.
MC: Okay, what the FLARP iS\ thiS\ thinG\?
MC: It'S\ kin/) of hurtinG\ my eyeS\ to look at.
MC: ...That count/)own S\eemS\ ominouS\.

AP: Frightfully. So.
AP: But...according to the. Guide, that is a. Kernelsprite.
AP: You are supposed to. Prototype it with something.
AP: Whatever. That. Means.

MC: I'll /juS\t chuck S\ome worthleS\S\ piece of G\arbaG\e into it.
MC: S\o lonG\, BeaG\lepuS\S\.
MC: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Your jaw clenches, he got the Beaglepuss in there, but it looks like the Kernalsprite got a little extra by sucking up Beechie as well. Not really a great thing to happen so soon after it died. You want to say something meaningful, but all that ends up out of your screen is,

Open PesterlogAP: Uh oh.
MC: ...
MC: IS\ there anythinG\ elS\e that nee/)S\ /)eployinG\?

Uh. Yes.
MC: Make S\ome room upS\tairS\ then.
MC: ToS\S\ out my recuperacoon.
MC: I har/)ly ever S\lept in it anyway.

AP: This is. An Alchemiter.
AP: Dunno. What it does.

MC: LookS\ like it haS\ a platform for S\omethinG\.
MC: Hol/) on.
MC: I'm G\oinG\ to use the other thinG\ that came out of the cruxthinG\y.
MC: BlockS\. S\well.
MC: We're makinG\ G\reat proG\reS\S\.

AP: I'm probably going. To get, rid of these. Things.
AP: They seem, pretty useless.
AP: And they cost us, that grist stuff.
AP: Anyway, one more freebie.

MC: S\ayonara, bureau.
MC: Looks like thiS\ totem thinG\y G\oeS\ in the whatever it iS\ you /juS\t /)eploye/).
MC: An/) there S\eemS\ to be a S\hunt for S\omethinG\.
MC: IS\ there anythinG\ left?
MC: How much time /)o we have left for the matter?

AP: A pre punched, sylladex card.
AP: And I don't think you ask. Me about the time.

MC: Okay, car/) S\eemS\ to fit in here.
MC: Well, now the thinG\ haS\ a lot of G\ooveS\.
MC: Back to the alchemiter.

Ugh all of this watching is getting tiresome, maybe you can find something to get your mind back into awareness.

>Leraje: Check the memo.

Open MemoCSS: Be right back.
CURRENT StalkerSahagin [CSS] ceased responding to memo.
spectacularHellion [SH] passed out.
AP: Dammit Zeb.
CUREENT StalkerSahagin [CSS] responded to Memo
CSS: My lusus has died.
PAST pandorasArchivist [PPA] has responded to memo
PPA: My sythmapeis.
PPA: It appaers to be giong arnoud.
PPA: Do not midn me. I am but a lenoly Rocket.
PPA: Fidning out whether your team is truly as uncoodrinated as ours.

BT: what do you meeean, "going around"?
BT: not that i'm WORRIEEED.
BT: i meeean i gueeess i should beee worrieeed, but my lusus is geeetting old.
BT: if ANYTHING kills heeer it'll beee ageee.

PPA: Parheps. Parheps not.
PPA: There heav been... ohter deaths.
PPA: Mine has... dippaseared.
PPA: Semothing is chagning.

CSS: I saved the corpse.
CSS: Might eat it later.

AP: Good, to see. You are taking. It well.
CURRENT melancholicChumly [CMC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo-
CMC: Tick tick!
CMC: RunninG\ out of time!

AP: Hey. I don't, know. What to do, with that thing.
CMC: S\o, inS\tea/) of thinkpanS\torminG\, you S\hit aroun/) on thiS\ memo?
AP: You have, even less. Reason, to be here.
AP: Back to the, alchemiter with you!

CMC: Oh, riG\ht.
CMC: S\orry to hear about your luS\uS\ Piron.
CMC: An/) you too S\caliS\.

CURRENT melancholicChumly [CMC] ceased responding to memo-

SO BOTHERSOME. You look back to the screen you had put him on and watch the alchemiter pop out a little reward just in time. Right into his greedy little hands.

>Leraje: Troll Caoway.

Open PesterlogAP: Fine, I'm back. What did we make?
AP: Is that. A fishing pole?
AP: Oh look, you caught...something.

MC: No S\hit.
MC: Finny baS\tar/)'S\ puttinG\ up one hell of fiG\ht.
MC: I /)on't even know why I'm /)oinG\ thiS\.
MC: IS\ thiS\ pro/)uctive?
MC: Urk, thiS\ S\tupi/) pole iS\n't workinG\ right.
MC: It'S\ G\oinG\ to G\et away!
MC: Lera/je, catchyeG\rabbit!

AP: Alright just...let me.
AP: Oh, dammit.
AP: I can't interact, with thing's. You are, interacting with...

MC: /)ammit, thiS\ iS\ S\o S\tupi/)!
MC: I /)on't have time for thiS\!
MC: Why the fuck can't I reel it in?
MC: I lan/) S\ea monS\terS\ all the time an/) I juS\t ate S\ome weir/) alien plant from a /)umb can!

AP: your deal. With fish, anyway?
AP: I mean...even Piron doesn't. Hunt them, like you. Do.
AP: It is like, you have...a vendetta or something.

MC: IS\ now the time to be aS\kinG\ thiS\?
AP: I'm...just trying. To understand. Why you don't. Just.
AP: Let. It. Go.

MC: Why S\houl/) I?
MC: NothinG\ that S\wimS\ in the water haS\ ever G\iven me a break.

AP: And that's it? That is...why you. Are sitting here, using your last moments. Breathing fighting a fish?
AP: Because you might have been. Abused, by the waterborne?
AP: Oh boo hoo.
AP: Think, you fool.

MC: You're right.
MC: I am a fool.

Oh great. Now he is ignoring you. FINE! You have other stuff to take care of anyway, he can save his own damn self...okay you lie you keep watching him. You aren't sure what he is going to do but you're nervous. That time limit isn't getting any longer, if he is going to find a way out, he's going to need to find it soon.

>Leraje: First, be the other troll.
Time to bust out the glow sticks!
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Unread 01-14-2011, 03:59 PM   #12
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,789
Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them.

>Leraje: First, be the other troll.

You are now Tergum.

>Tergum: Check Memo.

FUTURE antipathicHopper [AH] (2 hours from now) started memo: Prepare f[]r tr[]ub|_e!
FAH: ‘sup, n[][]ksniffers?
FAH: Due t[] p[]pu|_ar de^^and (n[]t t[] ^^enti[]n [[]^^^^[]n sense), I’^^ in [harge of Tea^^ R[][ket.
FAH: First things first: R[]|_|_ [a|_|_!
FAH: []bvi[]us|_y, Tergu^^, y[]ur g|_[]ri[]us |_eader is here.

CURRENT hazardousPractitioner [HP] has responded to memo
CHP: I really shXuld have mXre impXrtant things tX be dXing, but why nXt.
CHP: What the hell is this?
CHP: Are yXu Xrganizing a FLARP sessiXn Xr sXmething?
CHP: If sX I can be Xn call tX treat any 'accidents' bXth genuine and staged.

CURRENT burlesqueBalderdash [BB] has responded to the memo
CBB: O>o what popcockery is this STOP
CBB: O>o is tergum trying to be funny again STOP

FAH:N[] j[]ke, kidd[].
FAH: I'^^ in [harge.
FAH: Dea|_ w/ it.

CHP: In charge Xf what!
CHP: Please prXvide an answer befXre I stXp caring.

FAH: |_[]ng st[]ry sh[]rt, a ga^^e that wi|_|_ deter^^ine the fate []f the w[]r|_d.
FAH: I dunn[], ask A|_durin. He was ta|_king, and I z[]ned []ut pretty qui[k|_y...

CHP: Again? I've already put up with him Xnce tXday!
CHP: Why didn't he tell me then?
CHP: Fine, I'll spare the mXment tX talk with him. This best be wXrth it.

FAH: Did y[]u ^^iss the "fate []f the w[]r|_d" bit?
FAH: And he pr[]bab|_ didn't te|_|_ y[]u be[ause...
FAH: We|_|_, he's s[]rt []f...
FAH: A|_durin. Y'kn[]w?

CHP: I knXw much tXX well.
CURRENT hazardousPractitioner [HP] has ceased responding to memo
FAH: We|_|_.
FAH: S[]^^e[]ne's a gru^^py grub t[]day.
absentPsychologist [AP] has responded to the memo
AP: That one. Is...grumpy. Every, day.
absentPsychologist [AP] has ceased responding to the memo
FAH: |_eraje, fu[k []ff, y[]u aren't part []f this tea^^.
FAH: Anyway, f[]r the rest []f y[]u wh[] g[]t this ^^e^^[] with[]ut getting the ^^e^^[]...
FAH: We're p|_aying a ga^^e.
FAH: I ^^ean, y[]u [[]u|_d [h[][]se N[]T t[] p|_ay, but then y[]u'd die.
FAH: Pr[]bab|_y sh[]u|_d have [|_arified earlier; when I said deter^^ine the fate []f the w[]r|_d...
FAH: I ^^eant the fate []f []ur |_ives.
FAH: A|_ternia's fu[ked, but the handfu|_ []f us wh[] p|_ay wi|_|_ survive.
FAH: S[], that's the eight []f us, and the seven fu[ktards [a[]way re[ruited.
FAH: I tried t[] [[]nta[t y[]u a|_|_ individua|_|_y, but a |_[]t []f y[]u didn't resp[]nd.
FAH: And, I f[]rg[]t t[] invite Nasry|_. Wh[][]ps.
FAH: Fair warning: I'|_|_ expe[t better w[]rk ethi[ fr[]m a|_|_ []f y[]u []n[e we start Sgrub.
FAH: []kay. Rant's d[]ne, and n[]w it is my p|_easure t[] we|_[[]^^e y[]u t[]...
FAH: N[]w, bu[k the fu[k up and get with the r[]|_|_ [a|_|_, fu[ksti[ks!

CURRENT technopathicalAnomaly [CTA] has responded to memo
CTA: I'd sAy tOO lAtE tO dO thIs bUt thAt dOEsn't ApplY whEn wE AbUsE tEmpOrAl phYsIcs thIs wAy
CTA: And I fOrgOt tO sAy sOmEthIng EArlIEr . . .
CTA: whErE Is thE lOgIc Of trYIng tO rEcrUIt mE fIvE mInUtEs AftEr I tEll yOU tO rEcrUIt OthErs?
CTA: nOt thAt I dOn't wAnt tO lEAvE thE tEAm
CTA: jUst lEttIng yOU knOw thAt crAp wOn't gO UnnOtIcEd

FUTURE spectacularHellion [FSH] 14:06 HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo.
FSH: whoa the planets going to get destroyed thats bad how come no one told me before we should figure out how to stop it come on guys think
CTA: thE prOblEm Is wE'rE nOt ExActlY sUrE hOw It's gOIng tO hAppEn
CURRENT hazardousPractitioner [HP] has responded to memo
CHP: What the everlXving fuck is wrXng with yXu peXple.
CHP: I just gXt Xff the metaphXrical phXne with Aldurin, and wXrd is that this will kill everything.
CHP: I'm willing tX give dXubt tX the pXssibility, because it was stated by the guy whX dXesn't knXw metal cXnducts electricity.
CHP: But let me reiterate:
CHP: What the fuck. Why are yXu peXple actually gXing thrXugh with it?

FAH: Fantasti[ questi[]ns, every[]ne.
FAH: In []rder:
FAH: A|_durin, fu[k y[]u f[]r questi[]ning my |_eadership ^^eth[]ds.
FAH: Zebrek, fu[k y[]u f[]r resp[]nding t[] this. Y[]u're fr[]^^ a further future than I a^^, s[] y[]u sh[]u|_d kn[]w ^^[]re than I d[]...
FAH: What a^^ I even saying, y[]u never kn[]w ja[k shit.
FAH: And Nasry|_, we're g[]ing thr[]ugh with it be[cause...
FAH: A[tua|_|_y, A|_durin never exp|_ained that to ^^e.
FAH: I ^^ean, I, pers[]na|_|_y, a^^ g[]ing thr[]ugh with it be[ause fu[k every[]ne wh[] isn't ^^e.
FAH: A|_s[], better t[] be behind the end []f the w[]r|_d and |_ive than t[] sit ba[k and die.

CHP: That makes nX sense.
CHP: YXu make nX sense.
CHP: I'll be sure tX Xffer a discXunt brain scan next time I see yXu.
CHP: Anyways, fuck yXu.
CHP: It wXn't wXrk, sX I'm nXt even gXing tX argue further with the likes Xf yXu.
CHP: Tell me when it fails, k' asshXle?

CURRENT hazardousPractitioner [HP] has ceased responding to memo
FAH: Kay. Have fun dying with the rest []f the pai|_-sniffers.
FAH: As for the rest of us, we'|_|_ be partyin' it up, and dr[]ppin' it |_ike it's h[]t.

CTA: dOn't wOrrY, nAsrYl wIll bE bAck
CTA: I'm sUrE Of It

Future eloquentOrchestrator [FEO] 0:30 HOURS FROM NOW has responded to memo
FEO: Ok i'm DoinG thiS now InstEad oF sooNer bEcauSe i'm A litTle pReocCupiEd thIrty MinuTes aGo
FEO: I wilL spaRe yoU all The eMotiOnal MeloDramA and Just Tell You
FEO: My luSus dIed
FEO: I kilLed hEr
FEO: Well She wAs dyIng aNd in Pain And i Didn'T wanT her To suFfer
FEO: So thIrty MinuTes aGo i'm Kind Of a wReck
FEO: ActuAlly I stiLl kiNd of Am
FEO: I wilL get Back To alL of yOu whEn i'm HaviNg leSs of A criSis

Future eloquentOrchestrator [FEO] has ceased responding to memo
FAH: We|_|_... Da^^n.
FAH: That's unf[]rtunate.
FAH: But, quite frank|_y, n[]t the biggest pr[]b|_e^^ right n[]w.
FAH: In [ase you ^^issed it: THE W[]R|_D. IS. ENDING.
FAH: S[] bu[k the fu[k up, gr[]w s[]^^e sha^^e g|_[]bes, and get y[]ur head in the ga^^e.
FAH: Y[]u [an [ry |_ater, right n[]w, we have t[] f[][us []n surviving.
FAH: If y[]ur |_usus [an't survive, then she'd just be h[]|_ding us ba[k.
FAH: Ba[k in a few, Strize is [rying.
FAH: What a b|_ubbering g[]dda^^n pansy.

Future antipathicHopper [FAH] disconnected
>Tergum: Check on blubbering goddamn pansy.

Despite your facade on the memo, you're actually pretty damn concerned. You've never heard Strize cry before. That can't be good. Did someone break in?

>Tergum: Equip Weapon.

You're sorry, equip what?

>Sigh... :Equip Wea-pen."

Gog, you hate that pun. And that pen. It's so fucking... useless! You can barely write as it is, and whenever you try to use the damn thing, you accidentally activate its stupidly fucking derptarded acidic ink setting and dissolve your paper. Is there ANYTHING FUCKING STUPIDER THAN YOUR STUPID FUCKING- whoops, here it goes. You catch the BALLPOINT PEN-ETRATOR as it is ejected from your RAGE MODUS. Weapon... Uh... wea-pen in hand, you begin to search the respiteblock for your Lusus.

For some odd reason, you feel compelled to go towards the basement. You generally try to avoid it, there's a stupid amount of stairs to get down there. Back when you designed the place, you were somewhat... well, if you're perfectly honest, you were fucking proud of yourself for figuring out stairs, so you made a bunch of them to show off. Now? Now you're far too lazy to go down the one-hundred and twelve steps day after day. Especially with Strize; he always tends to run everywhere. Running down stairs when you have giant sickles for arms... not the greatest idea. You always have to remind him of that... oh. Oh no.

>Tergum: Run!

You zip down the stairs with a fervor that would have impressed you even when you were a step-obsessed wiggler. As you reach the bottom you see just what you didn't want to: Your lusus, surrounded in a pool of green, arm-blade bent, and puncturing his thorax.

Show LususlogLususlog:
Tergum: Strize?
Tergum: []h what the he|_|_!
Tergum: I warned y[]u ab[]ut stairs!
Tergum: I t[]|_d y[]u, bug!
Tergum: But seri[]us|_y, st[]p b|_eeding []n the f|_[][]r and get up.
Tergum: [[]^^e []n, we need t[] bandage y[]u up.
Tergum: ...
Tergum: p|_ease?

>Tergum: grieve.

You'd love to. Honestly. But right now, your team needs you if they want to survive. You have to... Come on, Capiti. You've gotta getcha getcha getcha getcha head in the game.

>Tergum: Man up. Your idiots need you.

You get up off your knees, wipe your tears, and give your lusus one last hug-GOGDAMMIT! You Captchalogued him! Well, no way you're getting him out of your rage modus. You sigh, then head back up the stairs to continue the memo.

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Unread 01-14-2011, 07:12 PM   #13
Intern Nin
An eagle with the head of a turtle-
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Default It's really strong fishing line.

> Tergum: be the other other troll.

Tergum cannot be the other other troll because Caoway is currently the other other troll.

> Be Caoway.

You are Caoway and you have just finished hauling the corpse of your beloved lusus back into your recently wrecked hive. You stand agog in Beechie's block and behold the great wet mess that wave made of your domicile. Needless to say, you have had better nights. This one's just getting started though.

> Caoway: Troll someone's server.

You free a hand and contact Leraje with your PDA. Looks like he's connected.

He's going on about monsters or something. Some function of the game. It's kind of hard to pay attention.

> Caoway: Wait, did he say something about clearing space?

Okay, that drew you back in. You inquire about this and Leraje says that he has taken the liberty of tidying your hive as he sees fit. Eh, whatever. Sort of hard to care about a bunch of journals and nicknacks after carrying around your dead guardian, the animal that raised you all your life and introduced to the ocean and by proxy the thrill of adventure. Whose guidance and protection you repaid by getting him crippled and subsequently killed.

> Caoway: Oh please, not this again!

Okay, this is not a productive train of thought. Focus Hemnet! Respond back! Okay, now he's ragging you about your literature. And apparently there's something he needs to set up. Lot of room in here. You tell him to set it up here.

Oh man, he spotted Beechie on your back and is asking about it. You forgot he has to see the environment to manipulate it.

> Caoway: Tell him.

You tell him that it is your lusus and, yes, he is dead. And that it is your fault..

Leraje's not saying anything now.

> Caoway: What's he doing?

You ask about the artifact he was about to set up. He comes back on, sets it up, says that he put your stuff back and then kind of chokes up.

> Caoway: Tick Tick Tick!

You thank him for his condolences but point out that time is not on your side and there is spray of firey death rocks bearing down on your hive. You ask what you're supposed to do next but he has no clue. He suggests fiddling around with it.

> Caoway: Interact with Cruxtruder.

You place Beechie's corpse down and turn the wheel on the side. The lid pops off like a cork. I guess you can thank the alien vegetation for that. Out of the Cruxtruder comes a weird thing seemingly made seizure inducing light and a dowel made of some kind of sea green substance.

Hey, is that a countdown clock?

00 : 00 : 06 : 12

> Caoway: Ask for further instructions.

Leraje consults the guide and says that the seizure thing is called a kernelsprite. It has to be prototyped whatever that means, he says. Perhaps you need to put something in the kernel?

> Caoway: Part with cherished trophy.

You throw a stupid pair of Groucho glasses in it. Never liked them all that much anyways. As if anybody could really be invincible wearing those. The thing catches the kooky specs, but then makes a dive for Beechie's corpse!

> Caoway: Type AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

You waste a few milliseconds typing so that your server knows exactly what it is you're yelling. You make a dive for the body but it's too late. The piece of crap swallowed it whole.

> Caoway: Aggrieve.

You swing your fist right at the damn thing, but it side-floats out of the way. You punch right through the wall. Man, being strong sucks.

Your bellow at the poorly disguised orb and it quickly floats off to somewhere else in the hive. Your lusus is gone, and now you can't even stuff and mount him.

> Caoway: Mourn loss quickly.

You take a moment. You then promptly get your head back in the game and ask Leraje if there's anything else they need to set up. He says yes. You tell him to put it in your respiteblock.

You make your way upstairs and into the block. It's in even greater disarray than it was before. On top of being wet, everything's knocked over and moved around, except for the treasury that is. Well, at least this has made your room slightly more navigable. Leraje quickly removes your recuperacoon and replaces it with a large platform thing called a alchemiter.

This one's a little less obvious.

> Caoway: Retrieve Cruxite Dowel.

You scamper back down and grab the dowel. You make your way back, while letting your server know what you have planned. You place the dowel on the platform, the response is nigh instantaneous. The laser goes over the dowel and then several blocks appear on the platform. You pick them up and inspect them.

Yes sir, these are definitely some completely useless blocks. You kick them off the platform and type something sarcastic to Leraje. He, of course, ignores this.

The bureau is then lifted up and chucked out your broken window. Another weird gadget is set up in it's place.

> Caoway: Inspect Totem Lathe.

You give this doohickey a once over and find that the cruxite would fit in it.
There also appears to be an opening for what looks like a card or something.

You inquire if there's any freebies left and about the countdown. He deploys a pre-punched captchalogue card and indicates that time is running out.

> Caoway: Insert card in Totem Lathe.

Doesn't take a genius to figure this out. The lathe carves the dowel into an unusual shape. Okay, this is progress. You state that you're going back to the alchemiter but he doesn't respond.

What the hell is he doing?

> Caoway: Check memo.

You go onto the memo and... you know what? I don't care that you just got done reading all of this once before. Read it again.

Show Memo
CURRENT StalkerSahagin [CSS] responded to Memo
CSS: My lusus has died.
PAST pandorasArchivist [PPA] has responded to memo
PPA: My sythmapeis.
PPA: It appaers to be giong arnoud.
PPA: Do not midn me. I am but a lenoly Rocket.
PPA: Fidning out whether your team is truly as uncoodrinated as ours.

BT: what do you meeean, "going around"?
BT: not that i'm WORRIEEED.
BT: i meeean i gueeess i should beee worrieeed, but my lusus is geeetting old.
BT: if ANYTHING kills heeer it'll beee ageee.

PPA: Parheps. Parheps not.
PPA: There heav been... ohter deaths.
PPA: Mine has... dippaseared.
PPA: Semothing is chagning.

CSS: I saved the corpse.
CSS: Might eat it later.

AP: Good, to see. You are taking. It well.
CURRENT melancholicChumly [CMC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo-
CMC: Tick tick!
CMC: RunninG\ out of time!

AP: Hey. I don't, know. What to do, with that thing.
CMC: S\o, inS\tea/) of thinkpanS\torminG\, you S\hit aroun/) on thiS\ memo?
AP: You have, even less. Reason, to be here.
AP: Back to the, alchemiter with you!

CMC: Oh, riG\ht.
CMC: S\orry to hear about your luS\uS\ Piron.
CMC: An/) you too S\caliS\.

CURRENT melancholicChumly [CMC] ceased responding to memo-

You cannot believe this guy sometimes. But, two other lusus deaths? That's a pretty big coincidence. Shit, no time to ponder!

> Caoway: Alchemize Cruxite.

You do just that. A dark sea green fishing pole appears right in your hands. The line leads right into the mouth of a fish flopping on the alchemiter.


The fish flops off the platform and out the window. It's making a flail for the ocean! And now Leraje decides he's interested in your well-being.

> Caoway: First, start reeling in fish. Second, answer meddler.

You plant yourself against the alchemiter and begin reeling. You manage to also to free up your hand now and then to update Leraje on you status.

Show log.AP: Fine, I'm back. What did we make?
AP: Is that. A fishing pole?
AP: Oh look, you caught...something.

MC: No S\hit.
MC: Finny baS\tar/)'S\ puttinG\ up one hell of fiG\ht.
MC: I /)on't even know why I'm /)oinG\ thiS\.
MC: IS\ thiS\ pro/)uctive?

This fish continues to flail, somehow gaining it more and more slack. It's slowly descending towards the pounding surf. you try to reel it in but the pole simply won't let you. It's like it has half a mind of it's own, kinda like Zebrek. And it's really pissing you off, sort of like Zebrek.

> Caoway: Ask server for assistance.

Show log.MC: Urk, thiS\ S\tupi/) pole iS\n't workinG\ right.
MC: It'S\ G\oinG\ to G\et away!
MC: Lera/je, catchyeG\rabbit!

AP: Alright just...let me.
AP: Oh, dammit.
AP: I can't interact, with thing's. You are, interacting with...

MC: /)ammit, thiS\ iS\ S\o S\tupi/)!

Outside, the cruxite fish descends closer and closer to freedom.

> Caoway: Don't get frustrated!

Like hell you won't!

Show log.MC: I /)on't have time for thiS\!
MC: Why the fuck can't I reel it in?
MC: I lan/) S\ea monS\terS\ all the time an/) I juS\t ate S\ome weir/) alien plant from a /)umb can!

AP: your deal. With fish, anyway?
AP: I mean...even Piron doesn't. Hunt them, like you. Do.
AP: It is like, you have...a vendetta or something.

MC: IS\ now the time to be aS\kinG\ thiS\?
AP: I'm...just trying. To understand. Why you don't. Just.
AP: Let. It. Go.

> Caoway: Listen to friend.

No go, bro.

Show log.MC: Why S\houl/) I?
MC: NothinG\ that S\wimS\ in the water haS\ ever G\iven me a break.

AP: And that's it? That is...why you. Are sitting here, using your last moments. Breathing fighting a fish?
AP: Because you might have been. Abused, by the waterborne?
AP: Oh boo hoo.

A red glow fills the window. The meteor impact is imminent. The fish can practically taste the water. Your friend is berating you about your sea-life prejudice. This night officially sucks bone bulge.

AP: Think, you fool.

> Caoway: Now listen to friend.

Well, that struck a nerve. You're about to die, why not spend your final moments exercising your weakest attribute?

Leraje says to just let it go but... is that really what you are supposed to do? If he's wrong, the fish gets away and you're dead. Gone. Just like that. But if you're wrong, you'll waste all your time trying to do the exact opposite of this requires. And then, you're dead anyways.

And if you're dead, you can't complete the chain. Sharl won't be able to get in. And you did say to yourself that your friends need you in the future, that probably won't stop being something that's true will it?

What can you do?

Well, there is that.

MC: You're right.
MC: I am a fool.

> Caoway: Be the fool.

You accede some line and quickly move around so that the line wraps around the pedestal on the alchemiter. You position yourself with your back facing the window and grip the line. You close your eyes... and jump backwards out the window.

The fish is nearly touching the water when suddenly it is yanked back up. You open your eyes again as you rappel downwards with alarming speed. You see the cruxite fish on the other end of the line, ascending upwards. This stupid idea may actually work. You swing over the fish's half of line and grip both of them. The line cuts into your palm but you begin to slow.

Finally, you and the fish stop halfway between the hive on the cape and the surf below and hang there. You move both lines to one hand. With your free hand you reach out and grab the fish. It wiggles uselessly in you clutch and gasps for breath. It stares into your eyes, and you stare into its.

Then, you quickly move it's mouth over to your other hand and... carefully push the hook out with your thumb and index finger.

CAOWAY: Can't let you G\o back into the /)rink, towinG\ a fiS\hinG\ pole with your mouth.
CAOWAY: Well, off with ye then.

You lob the fish, so that it goes in well past the rocks. As soon as you let it fly, the pole and line disappear. You quickly brandish own your pole and line and hook it onto the ledge. The line pulls taut and you dangle just above the surf.

> Timer: Run out of numbers that aren't zero.

00 : 00 : 00 : 00

You look up and watch helplessly as the meteor closes in on you.
Some quote:
"Yes, okay. Fine. I like her. I like her quite a bit actually. She’s… everything I’m not. She’s brave, she’s moral, she’s good with a gun… she’s got regenerative abilities. What’s not to like?".

Last edited by Intern Nin; 09-25-2011 at 02:48 PM.
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Unread 01-14-2011, 08:58 PM   #14
Bard The 5th LW
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Default I wish this was longer

>[s]Caoway: Enter

Moments before the meteor, at its critical velocity, is about to touch down upon Caoway's lone shanty, it was held at bay by a large mass of blue and white clouds disrupting the sky. A large Impact could be heard, but Caoway found himself safe from destruction.

Almost as soon as they appeared, the clouds dispersed and vanished, revealing a softly colored sky strewn with green. The air smeeled and tasted of salt, and the movemetns and crashes of waves could be heard from below. In fact, they could be seen from below as well.


It appeared the hook was planted onto the ground above. It was a long way up to what appeared to be a plateau made from Caoway's property. However, it was a much longer way down to the bottom. No obvious way up was in sight either. Out of the frying pan and into the oven it seems.

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Unread 01-15-2011, 02:04 AM   #15
Strike the Earth!
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Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was.


Current Reztek pays no heed to your words of support. Nothing can console him right now. You could probably put a bucket on his head like some twisted sicko and he wouldn't even react. It's kind of pathetic really.

> Be Future Reztek, the one who's doomed but isn't a total pansy

Future Reztek is currently on another crazy journey that's so unbelievably amazing that if you saw what he was up to then you would probably stop caring about all other Rezteks. Here's a hint though: it involves surfing a meteor. Sounds awesome right?

> Yeah it does. But can we move this along?

Ok sure, just do that arrow thingy.


Some time in the past, but technically in the present from the point of view of everyone who isn't Future Reztek.

> Wait is that bit of exposition really necessary?

Less questions, more arrow thingy.


You are now Reztek again, precisely eleven minutes and two seconds after the death of Shelly. In case it wasn't clear this is the wimpy baby one that you can't command because he's an emotional wreck. But maybe something will happen soon that will snap him out ofBOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

> Reztek: Snap out of your pathetic coma and realize there was some kind of explosion

You do just that and proceed with the thought "What the hell was that?" Truth be told it almost sounded like a meteor hit your hive. How you know what that would sound like is kind of odd, but you have more important things to worry about, like the meteor that just hit your hive. Maybe you should go investigateOHMYGOD WHAT THE HELL?


There's... there's a bleeding you standing in the doorway of your respite block. He is missing an arm, bleeding pretty badly, and has numerous other cuts and bruises possibly from riding a meteor into a hive. It's all rather horrifying, and you feel like you're about to freak the fuck out.


show conversationlog
FEO: Dont FreaK out
FEO: I knoW whaT it lOoks Like, Just Dont FreaK out

CEO: YourE me
FEO: RighT... sorT of
CEO: How aRe yoU me?
FEO: SorrY i doNt haVe tiMe foR a loNg stOry
FEO: Im juSt heRe to Tell You
FEO: Stop ActiNg liKe a lEgleSs grUb anD man The fUck uP

CEO: But
FEO: You dOnt gEt to Talk Yet, tHereS no tIme
FEO: Suck It up And lIsteN to wHat i Have To saY
FEO: TerGum iNvitEd yoU to jOin hIs sgRub tEam, And uNlesS you Want To diE you ShouLd acCept The iNvitE


You then proceeded to tell yourself the basics of SGRUB and why it would be extremely dumb not to play. He also dropped an ominous hint that may or may not have hinted that Shelly wouldn't stay dead for too long. Here's a hint to what that hint may or may not have been hinting: she's not going to stay dead for long. You are genuinely shocked and surprised by this startling revelation.


show conversationlog
CEO: Ok i gEt it
CEO: But aRe yoU goiNg to Be ok? YourE bleEdinG a loT

FEO: Im doOmed But yOu arEnt
FEO: You wIll uNderStanD eveNtuaLly, bUt yoU donT becOme mE

CEO: What?
FEO: No tiMe leFt to ExplAin
FEO: Get tO the Sub-bAsemEnt, iM aboUt to Do soMethIng iNcreDiblY stuPid aNd heRoic

> Future Reztek: Be incredibly stupid and heroic

As Reztek runs past you on his way to the sub-basement you enter his respite block and get to work. This will be tricky to do with only one arm, but you think you can make it work. First you check the wall of amps and make sure they are all connected properly and plugged in, which of course they are. It may be an impromptu doomsday device, but they're still amps and amps deserve to be powered, regardless of how dangerous they might be.

> Reztek: Find a suitable instrument

With one arm your options are pretty limited, but you think you have just the thing. You dash to a nearby room and return with a microphone in hand and quickly plug it into the Universal Jack at the base of the Wall of Amps.

> Reztek: Crank it up to eleven

What?! No way! You're trying to be a hero here, not obliterate the countryside. No let's start with a sound check first. You turn the dial up to a measly 3 and prepare for the worst.


Oh and by "sound check" you meant "psychic resonance check." The resulting psychic shock wave blasts the opposite wall and ceiling off into the distance. It's a good thing you started your psychic resonance with the sound waves in front of you instead of at their source, because you doubt you would have survived that.

> Reztek: Look up

You gaze sky-ward and set your sights on a meteor you were looking at not too long ago, only back then it was on a display. Yes this is the second meteor of interest, one that would prematurely hit your hive and create another doomed time line. Frankly you've had enough of those, and it's about time you stopped one from happening instead of going out of your way to make one. The meteor seems pretty close, so you'll only have one, maybe two chances to do this right.

> Reztek: Double it up

The dial gets cranked up to six and you let loose one of your most hardcore screamochestrock (screamo orchestral rock) screams. Actually you're mostly just screaming in pain and frustration, but it's essentially the same thing. All of your efforts are focused on channeling your psychic powers, and at these volumes it's hard enough to start the resonance safely in front of you, let alone keeping it stable at such staggering distances while trying to hit a meteor. However you keep at it for a few seconds before dropping to the floor gasping for breath.

> Reztek: Look up, hope for the best

Oh shit. It didn't work. The meteor is still heading straight for you. This isn't good.

> [S] Reztek: Double or nothing

You crank the one universal dial up to twelve. You're not even sure why you had that installed, but it seems like it's finally going to be useful. There won't be any hope for safety at this volume, all you can do is try to channel the damage away from the hive. A smile crosses your face as you stare up at the fiery rocky death hurtling towards you. You had a good run for a doomed copy, and at least you're going out doing something good. You're not going to botch this up either; you're going to wait until the meteor is right on top of you before you sign out. You even have the perfect line for what will surely be a devastating act.

> Reztek: Save Reztek, preserve the time line, be a hero

show herolog
FEO: Glub
POS Almighty has spoken.

Last edited by Arcanum; 01-15-2011 at 02:06 AM.
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Unread 01-15-2011, 07:45 PM   #16
Making it happen.
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Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare.
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Default Why didn't anyone tell me about stairs? And drawing people walking down them?

> Be someone less heroic and less doomed.

You are now Burgun.

> ...Yeah, okay. Proceed.

You've just finished reading the guide Leraje sent you, and you are a bit out of sorts right now. You are suddenly acutely aware that the game you are to play isn't FLARP at all, but rather some super-armageddon which will wipe out everything on the planet. Who knew?

It's a little unbelievable that someone would MAKE such a game, but you wouldn't put it past some jackass to try it just because he could. You've heard some rumors about some "til-death" programming language that allows for some terrifying stuff. Plus, it would explain the sudden meteor showers.

Hey, it's not like you stand to gain anything by disbelieving it at this point.

On the plus side, this "not-dying-in-SGrub-for-assholes guide" says that those who partake in the game will be spared the apocalypse. Perhaps you can use this to your advantage?

You captchalogue your laptop in your WALLET MODUS make your way downstairs to what passes for a living room. It's where you keep most of the furnishings you DO have. Sylvia has trouble with stairs, so if you want to keep something away from her ruinous paws, this is the place for it.

> Plot! Plot like your life depended on it!

Right, okay. Game-face time. You've already got an in for this game, so there's nothing further you can do to ensure your own safety until your new friend Piron connects to you. You believe you should take some time to get the word, and this game, out to your acquaintances. Hopefully it'll spread from there.

> Contact the green-blooded girl from before.

Of course. Neethe Clodle, your matesprit. Never much of a fighter, but she's a proficient FABRICATOR and can work miracles with her needles. She's always been the most social of your acquaintances, primarily due to not having muscles for brains like the majority of your social circle.

You place your laptop on the nearby counter and start chatting her up.

brutalTrifecta [BT] began trolling harmoniousStitch [HS]
BT: neeetheee, bit of a SITUATION.
HS: Oh=I-knew-it=
HS: I-knew-you-were-getting-into-trouble=
BT: what?
BT: oh, no, no!!!
BT: not that. worseee.
BT: haveee you beeen geeeting MEEETEEEOR showeeers reeeceeently?
HS: Why=yes=How-did-you-know=
HS: Please-tell-me-you-aren=t-responsible-somehow=
BT: nothing likeee that, loveee. 
BT: but i haveee it on good authority that it's only going to geeet WORSEEE.
BT: likeee, eeend of theee WORLD worseee. >:-(
HS: Some-of-the-impacts-have-wiped-out-some-nearby-hiveblocks=
HS: I-admit-I=ve-taken-shelter-underground=
HS: But-is-it-really-all-that-bad=
BT: but i may haveee a solution.
BT: theee meeeteeeors, i think, weeereee calleeed by a GAMEEE madeee by someee assholeee.
BT: but this sameee gameee is also a TICKEEET to salvation, if you can win it.
HS: This-is-not-the-sort-of-thing-one-should-joke-about=Burgun=
BT: i WISH i could makeee this up.
BT: look, i'veee alreeeady gotteeen myseeelf into a group for theee gameee.
BT: (theee sameee group that was supposeeed to beee for theee sparring circleee, go figureee)
BT: what i neeed you to do is takeee theee gameee i'm about to seeend to you, reeead theee guideee it comeees with, and start up your own seeession!!!
brutalTrifecta [BT] sent harmoniousStitch [HS] file "Sgrub_remastered.texe" and file "Not_dying_in_Sgrub_for_assholes_v0.01.ttxt"
HS: Wait=
HS: Can=t-I-just-join-yours=
HS: I-would-like-to-be-there-with-you=
BT: so do i.
BT: basically, theee moreee PLAYEEERS in a singleee seeession, theee longeeer it takeees to start up.
BT: and timeee is not on our sideee. 
BT: weee alreeeady have EEEIGHT peeeopleee in this oneee, myseeelf includeeed.
BT: but what i neeed you to do is IMPORTANT.
BT: start your own seeession, and teeell as many peeeopleee about theee gameee as you can, so theeey can start theeeirs. 
BT: i think that's theee beeest way to saveee as many trolls as possibleee.
HS: ===
BT: neeetheee?
HS: Alright=
HS: I=ll-do-it=
HS: Not-that-I=ve-anything-better-to-do-while-I-wait-out-the-meteors=
HS: But-you-had-better-be-right-about-all-this=
HS: For-both-our-sakes=
BT: yeeeah. i know that. >:-\
BT: maybeee onceee weee'veee WON weee'll beee ableee to seee eeeach otheeer again.
BT: until theeen, weee'll just both haveee to keeep on LIVING.
HS: Yeah=Okay=
HS: Anything-else-I-should-do=
BT: no, that should beee all.
BT: good luck, neeetheee, and don't dieee!!!
HS: Same-to-you=
BT: <3
HS: Heart=
brutalTrifecta [BT] ceased trolling harmoniousStitch [HS]

That seems to be about the extent of what you can do for her. You'll have to hope she can handle the rest from here. But there's still more than you can do.

> Contact the Alternian Fleet!

Right. The fleet would surely want to know that their home planet is being bombarded by meteors. Maybe they can render aid, or at least destroy the meteors that have yet to enter the atmosphere.

Now that you think of it, the second option is more likely. The only aid they'd ever render is to make sure the mother grub is intact. Survival of the fittest and all that, and if you can't dodge a meteor, then you aren't fit to survive.

You open up a Trollian window and begin chatting with the sergeant whom appraised your ability before.

brutalTrifecta [BT] began trolling tunguskaReloaded [TR]
BT: sir, i haveee teeerribleee NEEEWS!!!
TR: whaT The hell aRe you calling me back so soon foR, gRub!
BT: MEEETEEEORS are bombarding theee planeeet, sir!
TR: i am fully awaRe of ThaT, gRub.
TR: Those few ships in alTeRnian oRbiT ThaT haven'T been desTRoyed by The showeRs aRe RaTheR oveRwhelmed.
TR: unTil we can ReinfoRce The aRea you'll jusT have To bunkeR down and deal wiTh iT.
BT: but sir, i'veee heeeard that theee meeeteeeors are going to just keeep geeetting worseee till theeey SCOUR THEEE PLANEEET.
BT: i don't know how much TIMEEE weee'veee got.
TR: unless you've goT pRoof of ThaT, i advise you To sTay away fRom such heResay.
TR: aT any RaTe, necessiTy isn'T gonna make Those Relief ships come any fasTeR.
TR: so gRow a neRvous column and soldieR on, gRub!
BT: yeees, sir.
tunguskaReloaded [TR] ceased trolling brutalTrifecta [BT]
Okay, so that was completely useless. You guess you'll just have to trust that the fleet can minimize damage while there's still damage to minimize.

> Install SGrub.

Probably a good idea. It'd be ideal to be prepared for when Piron and Leraje are ready to connect with you. But you've got a little time before the installation completes.

> Kill time by watching the meteor showers. Look into another troll's well-being while we wait.
Originally Posted by Andreus, Dwarf Fortress Community Overseer
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.
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Last edited by Loyal; 01-15-2011 at 09:56 PM.
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Unread 01-16-2011, 01:59 AM   #17
Moves Like Jagger, Kupo!
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Dracorion is a ray of sunshine lighting up your life. Dracorion is a ray of sunshine lighting up your life. Dracorion is a ray of sunshine lighting up your life. Dracorion is a ray of sunshine lighting up your life.

>Kill time by watching the meteor showers. Look into another troll's well-being while we wait.

You are now looking at Zebrek.

>Zebrek: Wake up.

You can't give Zebrek any commands because you're not him! You're only looking at him.

>First, be Zebrek. Second, wake up.

You are now Zebrek. And awake!

You passed out after holding your breath in frustration and not being allowed to play the game.

>Repost chatlogs.

No, they've already been posted once, and you can't be bothered to keep track of all the things you've said.

>Zebrek: Hold breath.

Your course of action is crystal clear. You must hold you brea- wait, crystals? Oh right, your friend Piron has crystals. And you said you'd ask another of your friends for an air supplying suit so you could visit her in her underwater hive and look at her collection.

> Troll Derpah.

Show Trollog
spectacularHellion [SH] began trolling technopathicAnomaly [TA]

SH: whats up aldurin
SH: listen dude i need an air supplying suit do you have one i can borrow please please

TA: plEAsE spEcIfY
TA: dO yOU mEAn lIkE A sImplE brEAthIng mAsk Or A fUll-scAlE dIvIng/spAcE sUIt?

SH: i dunno whatever works i wanna go underwater to visit pirons hive you know and i cant breathe underwater
TA: . . .
TA: ArE yOU sUrE thAt's rEmOtElY sAfE?
TA: I'vE hEArd thIngs AbOUt hEr,
TA: EAch rEpOrt Is AlOng thE lInEs Of A sErIAl kIllEr
SH: naw shes nice so can i can i
TA: yOU dO UndErstAnd thE dAngErs Of bEIng UndErwAtEr, EvEn wIthOUt hEr thErE, rIght?

SH: sure you know wild beasties or whatever
TA: bUt yOUr strIfE Is A shOtgUn, thOsE dOn't fIrE UndErwAtEr
SH: naw its cool mine works underwater its awesome like that
TA: . . .
TA: sO yOUr shOtgUn
TA: whIch hAs mOIstUrE-sEnsItIvE cIrcUItry
TA: cAn fIrE UndErwAtEr

SH: yeah it can its awesome
TA: scrEw It
TA: I'll gO AhEAd And OUtfIt A sUIt fOr yOUr hOrn shApe
TA; It'll prObAblY stAy IntAct As lOng As It's In yOUr AUrA Of DOEsn't MAkE SEnsE
TA: I'll gEt It tO IrOphA In A dAy Or twO fOr dElIvErY

SH: thanks a lot dude youre awesome youre the best
TA: yOU knOw whAt, I'll EvEn lEt yOU kEEp thE sUIt
TA: cOnsIdEr It A gIft

SH: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudeeeee youre awesome thanks thanks thanks thansk sooo cooool
TA: yOUr wElcOmE

technopathicalAnomaly [TA] ceased trolling spectacularHellion [SH]


Now that that's done, you should get back to the game. Gorrma and Glissa may be silly dummies who don't want to connect with you, but that doesn't mean you can't start by captchaloguing any items from your cave that might be useful.

You prepare to draw on your Pictionary Modus!

>Draw microscope.

You attempt to draw a microscope from your collection.


You get a ghost image of an Alternian Devilhound!

>Try again.

You try again and get a ghost image of an Alternian Devilhound Alpha. Joy.

>Draw dragon plush.

You attempt to draw one of your dragon plushes. Fortunately, your modus buys it this time.

>Draw something awesome!


You get a ghost image of... a zombie bard shooting a guy in the face with a cannon-gator?

What the hell is this?

>Who cares? Draw something else!

You get a ghost image of the KRINGLEFUCKER. It's the prettiest tree you've ever seen.

>Zebrek: Draw a rocket!

You draw a fucking awesome rocket!

It turns into... the ghost image of a rocket dildo?


>Draw the code for the rocket dildo.

You have no idea why you did this!

It turns into a ghost image of Seth Rogen!

>Zebrek: Get trolled.

You're getting trolled! How exciting! You hurry over to your husktop.

Show Trollog
arsenicCatnip [AC] began trolling spectacularHellion [SH]

AC: :33 < *ac perks up curiously*
AC: :33 < *she wiggles her rear end a bit and then chases something she s33s bounce into one of zebreks shoes*

SH: *sh smiles and does a great big awww and bends over to scratch ac behind the ears*
AC: :33 < *ac starts using zebreks leg as a scratching pole*
SH: *sh picks her up and takes her behind the woodshed and gives her a great big hug*
AC: :33 < *ac playfully scratches his face*
SH: *sh pouts and takes her back inside and gives her all the catfood she could possibly want*
AC: :33 < *ac happily eats all the food*
AC: :33 < *yum! she says purring*

SH: *sh scratches her behind the ears some more and hugs her and spoils her*
AC: :33 < heehee ok i think were purrfect
AC: :33 < how have you b33n?
AC: :33 < play any good games lately?

SH: hey ive been good how about you ive had some fun games and im supposed to play this really cool game with my friends as soon as they tell me when to start what about you
AC: :33 < thats good!
AC: :33 < im supposed to play a game with my friends too actually!
AC: :33 < oh look at that one of my friends is trolling me right now
AC: :33 < purrchance it has to do with the game so i should b33 going

SH: ok have fun ill see you around lets play some more later
AC: :33 < purrhaps!
AC: :33 < *ac waves zebrek goodbye and purrs happily after a fun day with her friend*

SH: *sh waves back and watches her take off*

arsenicCatnip [AC] ceased trolling spectacularHellion [SH]

>Be the other troll.
Dracorion's dumbass color is Royal Blue. If you see that color, you better run the fuck away.
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Unread 01-16-2011, 03:34 PM   #18
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Geminex slew the jabberwocky! Callooh! Callay! Geminex slew the jabberwocky! Callooh! Callay! Geminex slew the jabberwocky! Callooh! Callay! Geminex slew the jabberwocky! Callooh! Callay! Geminex slew the jabberwocky! Callooh! Callay! Geminex slew the jabberwocky! Callooh! Callay! Geminex slew the jabberwocky! Callooh! Callay! Geminex slew the jabberwocky! Callooh! Callay! Geminex slew the jabberwocky! Callooh! Callay! Geminex slew the jabberwocky! Callooh! Callay! Geminex slew the jabberwocky! Callooh! Callay!

> You are now past-


Past Scalis is too angry for you to be him!

> Be him anyway.

Oh allright then. You are now past Scalis.

> What would Jegus do?
You know what Jegus would do.You researched that book, you wrote it! You went through ancient tome upon ancient tome to rediscover the long-forgotten tales of the Sanguine Redeemer's Exploits. You ventured into the depths of the library to find what remained of the Ancient Scriptures. You learned everything about him, everything you could, simply to write that Tome. And that foolish wriggler defiled it. You know very well what Jegus would do.

> Do that, then.

Oh, you fully intend to.

Your eyes dart around the shadowy hall, vengeful, searching. There are orange edges to your vision, and your headache feels like it's flaring up again, but that is, at this point, irrelevant. Your anger is keeping it at bay, and your vision seems so much more... clear... than usual. You're acutely aware of the room around you, of the rough surface of the rock floor, the grain of the shelves' wood, the scraps of paper near one exit...

A cold smile flits across your lips as you rise from your crouch and head through the exit, intitally at a brisk, dignified walk, then, as your anger grows, at a full-pelt sprint. You lose your slippers somewhere behind you, but now is not a time for stereotypes. Or dignity. You come across a ladder leaning against a shelf and scramble up. Then you continue running, across the tops of the shelves this time. The trail of scraps has long since petered out, but somehow... somehow you know where you'll find your victim. You feel him ahead of you, somewhere in the dark gloom of the library. He has a head start, but you're catching up fast. Your strides are long as you run and leap across shelves, bypassing the winding aisles.

The wind at your back has been accompanying you since you began running, cooling, comforting, helping you keep control of yourself. You notice that the closer you get to your goal, the stronger it seems. And the rustling of pages is getting louder. You realize that you're not alone here. The library's here with you. It guides you, directs you against this blight upon it. It wants the Anomaly dead, and it's using you to do it.

But you're 0kay with that. Right now, you'd be 0kay with lots of things, as long as they involve venegance. And knowing that this is truly your duty, and not just a feud... that gives you all the more resolve. A resolve that only strengthens as you realize exactly where your sense is guiding you. Sweeps ago, you divided your hive into sections, to make it easier to map. And while the further reaches remain impossible to accurately navigate, and aisles seem to shift with annoying frequency, some sections remain mostly stable. Among them is this one. You've even managed to number the study halls. The stinking evidence of his blasphemy is laying in the centre of Section 1, hall 11. And right now, your enraged dash is bringing you ever closer to Section 1, Hall 12.

Your teeth clench. You've built some devices there. Your memory overwhelms you sometimes, weakens your mind, makes you lose control. You've been experimenting with ways to keep it at bay... and lighting is one of the, your blackened horns can attest to that. You've traded for materials and devices with some of your friends, and it has cost you... if he demolishes those as well... Once again you leap, from one shelf to another, the wind at your back letting you breach the gap. You land, roll, come to your feet fluidly, ready to continue on-

Only to realize that you've found your target. You've overlooking the hall, illuminated by a dozen interconnected metal-and-glass orbs. A bright glow emits from them, the glow of tamed lightning and running current. Many a night you've spent here, tinkering, listening to the lightning strike, channeling it, using it. Keeping the tide of memory at bay. Not forgetting, you can't forget, but keeping yourself... ordered. In the here and now. These are important to you.

Or would be, if the Anomaly wasn't destroying them one by one.

> Address the Anomaly
pandorasArchivist [PA] started trolling spectacularHellion [SH]
PA: What.
PA: What did you doooooooo.

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Unread 01-18-2011, 05:29 AM   #19
Ara ara!
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Arhra is like Reed Richards, but prettier. Arhra is like Reed Richards, but prettier. Arhra is like Reed Richards, but prettier. Arhra is like Reed Richards, but prettier. Arhra is like Reed Richards, but prettier. Arhra is like Reed Richards, but prettier. Arhra is like Reed Richards, but prettier.
Send a message via AIM to Arhra

IROPHA: > Wake up.


> Wake up Iro!



Your head hurts. You ache all over. Where, where are you? How did you get here?

> Look around.

You're in a cavern. The walls are thick with ice, their hazy translucency marred with red sparks, the dim light from above concetrated in the cracks within. The walls curve upward meeting at a jagged hole in the icy ceiling above you. That is obviously how you got in here.

Looks like you won again, gravity!

A pea sized red light is in the sky.

A meteor? Already? How long have you been unconscious?

> Rise up.

You find that unexpectedly difficult to do. Your ankle is broken.

The fake one, fortunately.

> Check pager.

This thing is going crazy!

> Review conversation with Gorrma

-- hastyExecutor [HE] began trolling omnipotentOmnivore [OO] --
HE: HEY GORM^^^^^^^!!!
OO: !!!
OO: would i ever!
OO: wow. i dunno why anyone wouldn't want a delivery of piesh. that'sh jusht crazy-talk.
OO: but then, i've learned that not everyone hash tashtesh ash refined ash mine. ]:-/
OO: kinda weird, i know, but it'sh true. shome people jusht can't
OO: appreciate food like i can. life musht be really boring for them.
OO: like a while ago, i wash talking to aldurin and he shaid that--
OO: !!!
OO: oh! that remindsh me! i might have shome shtuff for you to deliver to shome
OO: friendsh of mine, if you have time!!
OO: depending on what i can get accomplished here today. ]:-\

-- hastyExecutor [HE]
stopped trolling OmnipotentOmnivore [OO] --

You don't remember saying that.

> Check update by ally.

-- burlesqueBalderdash[BB] began trolling hastyExecutor[HE] --

BB:O>o iropha STOP
BB:O>o the preparations are complete STOP
BB:O>o it is time for the pies STOP
BB:O>o i trust that you have handled my 40 pies with care STOP
BB:O>o even the slightest of mishandling will render them inadequate for proper pile dynamics STOP
BB:O>o also make sure they are not cakes STOP
BB:O>o people seem to have trouble with that STOP


> Discuss other business.

butketHed [BH]- began trolling hastyExecutor [HE]-
BH: Iropha, I'm in dire need of your assistance!
BH: I recently recieved two orders. Both of them being a considerable task.
BH: One being a oven, oversized class to be delivered to Gorma. The other being a delicate shipment of medical supplies to be sent to Nasyrl.
BH: I'm already going mad getting everything all ready.
BH: Can I count on your assistance to deliver them posthaste?


> Speak with asshat.

-- antipathicHopper [AH] began trolling hastyExecutor [HE]--
AH: Hey.
AH: W[]r|_d's ending.
AH: Wanna |_ive?
AH: Then p|_ay a ga^^e with ^^e.
AH: Up f[]r it?


> Summarise situation.

You have roughly half a dozen things to deliver, a very long way to travel, a broken leg and a pressing deadline in meteor form.

> Wipe that grin off your face.



This post is a good source of Ara ara, ufufu.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Last edited by Arhra; 01-23-2011 at 06:20 AM.
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Unread 01-23-2011, 12:01 AM   #20
Moves Like Jagger, Kupo!
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Dracorion is a ray of sunshine lighting up your life. Dracorion is a ray of sunshine lighting up your life. Dracorion is a ray of sunshine lighting up your life. Dracorion is a ray of sunshine lighting up your life.

> Be the Blasphemer

You are now Troll Jugas, many sweeps ago. You have just sold out your lord and savior, Troll Jegus, for thirty gallons of assorted lusus blood to take part in many dark rituals in honor of the HORROTERRORS OF THE FURTHEST RING. With this you can finally summ-


You are now Dracorion.


What's that? I can't hear you over all the meta I'm going here. But this isn't nearly meta enough.


You are now Dracorion writing about going more meta writing about going more meta writing about going more meta writing about going more meta writing about going more meta writing about going more meta writing about going more meta writing about going more meta writing about going more meta writing about going more meta ad infinitum.

There, you can't go any more meta than that.



You are now God.

You are willing one of your subjects going by the internet handle of Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion to write about God willing Dracorion ad infinitum.

Now it's an infinite recursive loop of meta.


Hey, what's up with you guys?


You doin' okay?


Hang on, lemme get my fourth wall over here and see what's wrong.


Ooof! This thing is heavy. Lemme just turn it on aaaannddd...


Oh, you just had to hang yourselves, didn't you? Couldn't take a little meta?

You blubbering goddamn pussies.


Alright, alright.

> Readers: Be alive.

> You are now alive.

Huh, that was pretty cool. Let's have some fun.

> Readers: Dance like idiots.

> You dance like idiots.

> Readers: Squawk like a parrot and shit on your desk.

> You squawk like a parrot and shit on your desk.

Okay, that's enough fun. Let's move on.

> Readers: Type "> Be past Scalis"





> Be past Scalis
Scalis it still too angry for you to be him!

> Be him anyway
No, seriously. Not possible.

> Be past Zebrek
Zebrek is too busy breaking Scalis' stuff for you to be him.

> Be... someone else, then?
There's just Scalis and Zebrek here.
And the Watcher.

> Be the Watcher.
You try to be the Watcher. As much as you can be him, anyway. Her. It.
You exist. But who, what, when, where, why you are... that's something you don't even know. Something that doesn't matter.
All there is is fears to ask, doth teach to be deny'd memory. What is. What will be. That is what you are. Glimpses of minds, of pasts, of presents, of emotions and struggles shall achieve in time what...

> Watch
Watch what when who?

> Remember, then.
You remember.

Remember the Servant, who guards, will guard.
Flying on wings of rage, your applause urging him on.
You Will nothing, but you know, knew Before you contradict, good reader, what he must do, what must take place. You It is innocent caused it. And he unless found guilty heard.
You remember how he will hunt. You remember his words. tinged by rage.

pandorasArchivist [PA] started trolling spectacularHellion [SH]
PA: What.
PA: What did you doooooooo.

SH: heeeeeeey scalis whats up why do you look angry
PA: You deflied it!

SH: oh is this all yours this stuff is pretty cool
PA: Do not break it, do not touch it, do not know it!
PA: You aer a bilght upon my hiev and tihs will not be telorated!

SH: dude whats got you so angry what is all this stuff anyway theyre pretty fun
PA: You must ask? You hostelny daer ask yuo worm?
PA: Thoes tihngs keep me saen! Yuo are distreyong my wokr!

SH: oh no you mean these arent toys im sorry scalis!

The nothing more than worm meat---I just don't think about it when Anomaly.
He... defiled the memory. Killed part of you, a strong part, one of... a million but a part nonetheless.
And he does not aknowlege, he does not... remember. He child placed before natural phenomena which impress him like a fairy tale IS.
The Anomaly, the one who, at another place and time... you would remember differently.
But this is here and it is now...
Or, rather, isn't.
His touch careless, his mind... unaware, unforgivably unwarare, he... breaks, he destroys. Orbs of light in the darkness, made by the Servant, His. Now shattered.

> Remember the conflict.
The what?


A limit Patience has its limits passed, a restraint, broken. The Servant, mind ablaze with a cold rage, fanned by your currents, encouraged by your applause, he will attack. You... remember.
Leap at the Anomaly, strike, flail, part of you in his hand, not read, not kept, but used with lethal purpose. 'HOW TO ELIMINATE INTRUDERS FROM YOUR HIVE: AN ILLUSTRATRED GUIDE". Irrelevant, as they are all you and you are all them...
But fitting.

A rustling of paper, an overhead strike, quick, lethal, but...
All too slow, too ineffective, dodged by a quick nuisance, the Anomaly scared, confused, not knowing. Not When we remember we are all mad, the one who remembering.

More words, futile scraps of thought and mind, they go under beneath your presence, your being and your have-been, they cannot change what is bound to occur.

> Listen anyway

SH: dude whats up with you!
PA: If you do not konw, then, I am sorry to say, theer is no hepling you.
SH: but it was just a bunch of glass stuff!
SH: umm what boo- ooooohhh
SH: well i really had to use the load gaper and i couldnt find it!

PA: I wroet that.
PA: Storytime, Moferthucker.

A fitting finish as you... push again, applaud louder, force it. You must. The Servant must, there is... no choice, not now, perhaps never was.
Another assault, leap, strike, again dodged.

Further defilation, now? then?, as the Anomaly defends, dares fight back, defying who you are... Though not what must be. Sadly.
Explosions in the darkness, a weapon, used, light, sound, shock. Lead flying through the air, breaking, destroying... more light in the darkness, the soothing orbs battered and broken, parts of you lacerated, all by one every rift of discovery holds a dark Anomaly.

And more. Orange blood, having spurted through the air, shining in the light of dying lightning. A wound. Minor, neglegible. But a wound nonetheless, by an Anomaly, to your Servant, if your... domain. More threat. More defiance.

Darkness, suddenly, lights flickering flashing, hiding your servant for just a... second?
No sign of him but orange stains on the ground and... noise, noise from up high. Climbing in the darkness, running along shelves, a servant knows the domain better than the Anomaly will ever have. Silent steps now, watching, hunting, waiting to... strike, both you and the servant, connected further in... need, need to destroy this one.
The Anomaly, still frightened, still confused, further ignorance, not... to be and he spake that the fallen would not be allowed forgiven.

A rustling from a shelf, your product, your act and the Servant's assistance as an Anomaly, turning around, weapon at ready, for further and said "you have no hope, no future, no defiance, further defilation. But he will regret. Eventually.
The distraction successful, the Anomaly, now the Prey, startled, vulnerable. A Servant's leap from a shelf up high, striking at Prey with a venegance, book still in hand, teeth bared in a snarl, unforgiving, feral. Your wind always at his back.

He does what must be done. His leap, succesful, but his strike avoided, if narrowly. Elegance forgotten, rage taking over completely. As it had to. A melee on the ground, a scuffle for control of Tome and Weapon, shots fired wildly, orbs smashing, lighting flashing, hot glass and lead slicing the air and the shelves, biting into... You, draining you, reducing you.
A struggle for control, desperate, savage, claws and teeth used, a shoulder bashed with a Tome, a Riflebutt almost breaking a horn, a struggle for survival.
And then a blow, a lucky blow, combatants suddenly apart, will reach for their weapons, have lunged.

A blast, loud... The Anomaly, weapon in hand, a desperate shot fired, smashing into the servant, blocked only by the Servant's Tome. The Servant, life saved by Your Fragment, now destroyed by the attack, thrown backwards, tumbling through the air... Another crash, a flash of light. A collision, the Servant smashing the last and grandest orb, a flash of light, a shock of thunder, power flowing over him and through him, shaking him, his hair singed, his skin blackened, his horns charred. His mind... changed, confused. Your bond with him, broken. A servant? Still. But not as devoted.
And memories... memories banished, for now, then, when? Nought but a bad dream.

The Anomaly leaves, still scared, still confused. But alive.

"Hatred stirs up disputes, but love covers all offenses."
Dracorion's dumbass color is Royal Blue. If you see that color, you better run the fuck away.

Last edited by Dracorion; 01-23-2011 at 12:39 AM.
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