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Unread 06-07-2004, 12:48 PM   #1
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Default God Bless You, Bill Cosby

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Unread 06-07-2004, 01:00 PM   #2
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The best part is that the NAACP can't call Racist on Cosby.
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Unread 06-07-2004, 01:12 PM   #3
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Sithdarth is like Reed Richards, but prettier. Sithdarth is like Reed Richards, but prettier. Sithdarth is like Reed Richards, but prettier. Sithdarth is like Reed Richards, but prettier. Sithdarth is like Reed Richards, but prettier. Sithdarth is like Reed Richards, but prettier. Sithdarth is like Reed Richards, but prettier.

Its about time for minorities to realise that not everything is th fault of "whitey." That view is just as bad as the sterotypes some of us no minorities have about minorities. You can't stand there complaining about racism and sterotypes while in the same breath your accusing a whole race of people of particapating in an act. The majority of whites no longer care about race, or don't let it show. Its just that the ones you hear about most are the ones who are racist. To judge a whole race on the actions of a few is exactly what they are condemning us of and exactly what they are doing. Also, they have to take responsiblity for some of the bad things that happen. If "whitey" really wanted to keep minorities on there "place" there wouldn't be any black people with wealth or power. Need evidence? Just look at the events right after the civil war. Are you telling me that minorities back then were somehow less able than minorities today? So in other words take some of the blame and quite complaining and do something.
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Unread 06-07-2004, 01:35 PM   #4
Toastburner B
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Yay! It's always good to see someone stand up to the NAACP.

Yeah, I know...sounds racist, but I've had an experience with them that wasn't good at all.

In Jr. High School (grades 7-9, about 12-15 year olds), someone changed the letters around on our school marque and created a racial slur.

In comes the NAACP, proclaiming that we are a gang school with racial problems. They hold press confernces and all that jazz. Made the news and everything.

It turns out it was some 20something year old who stood on the roof of his truck to reach the letters.

I took it kinda personally because I was the Student Body President at the time. I don't like people who have never even heard of this school before, but know for a fact its a gang school with racial problems.

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Unread 06-07-2004, 01:39 PM   #5
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Way to go Bill! I agree with all of what he said.
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Unread 06-07-2004, 09:09 PM   #6
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I love Bill...

I'm so glad someone has common sense and is respected
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Unread 06-07-2004, 10:23 PM   #7
Bob The Mercenary
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He kind of reminds me of my grandpa, in a non-black kind of way. He agrees with everything Bill said, only he can't come out with it or he'll be called a racist.

Way to go, Cos!
Bob Dole
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Unread 06-07-2004, 10:28 PM   #8
Forever Zero
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He is a great comedian and a great man! Go Cosbey, sock it to the NAACP!
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And breathed in the face of the foe as he pass'd;
And the eyes of the sleepers wax'd deadly and chill,
And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"
- The Destruction of Sennacherib
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Unread 06-07-2004, 11:06 PM   #9
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I said this on MT Forums and I'll say it now.

Not a bit of this is new or original or unknown. I pray for Bill Cosby's career.

Everybody seems to forget that this is obvious information, and, if anybody wanted to act on it, they would have already.
I'm not going to give a crap until I see something change.
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Unread 06-07-2004, 11:14 PM   #10
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h4x.m4g3 is a glorious beacon of painfully blinding light. h4x.m4g3 is a glorious beacon of painfully blinding light.

Hey I'm black and proud. 1/2 black but still
No I'm not going to be the black guy who blames everything on "whitey." Its not the fault of "the man" that some black people are the way they are. In some cases the racist allegations are true, but that doesn't mean everytime something goes wrong minorities can blame "whitey." If anything in today's society blacks are becoming the racist (in my community at least). If a black guy goes out with a girl that happens to be white all of a sudden he's going out with that "white skank". And if a guy who happens to be white starts listening to hippety-hoppity or slurring their speach he's "acting black."

On a side note I'm extremely smart (smarter then all the "whiteys" at my school, [I'm in a magnet school]) i'm not poor, I don't buy $500 shoes, If anything I am the Computer Geek, not the hippety hoppity black guy.

the point is you can't blame things on race, only yourself, unles you happen to be in the pressence of an actual racist, but that's gotta be what 20% of any claims based on race. You can only blame yourself, and in some cases your upbringing.
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