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Unread 08-17-2005, 10:58 PM   #11
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I have often dreamt of a game where Samus and Master Chief team up to take down the newly-aligned Covenant Space Pirates. Think of the co-op opportunities! The stroy wouldn't be too hard to piece together, either. A small armada of Covenant fled and isolate themselves after the destruction of Delta Halo. A similar group of Space Pirates flee from Samus after whatever the "latest" metroid game is (don't blame me, they're made out of order). They meet, and disaster insures.

Another game I've dreamt about is a remake of the original Pokemon games (or the yellow version), except this one is in 3D and the everything happens in real time. You actually hunt for Pokemon instead of randomly encountering them, and battles take place in real time (time passes as you battle just as it passes as you travel). You can even target the opponent's trainer as a distraction.

And then, of course, there's the crazy dream of an RPG that perfectly captures the magic of D&D.
Why yes, I am tehmazing. Thank you for noticing.
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Unread 08-17-2005, 11:49 PM   #12
Won't you believe it?
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It already came out. Its called Metal Gear Solid 3.
It's just my luck.


No recess!
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Unread 08-18-2005, 03:29 PM   #13
Solid Shadow
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I'd like an MMORPG that's just as rewarding to players with real lives, full time jobs, families, etc. who can only play a few hours a week as it is to 350lb unemployed mama's boys who cower in the basement playing 24 hours a day while guzzling Cheeto-Funion-Mountain Dew milkshakes.

A revamped level up system would be nice. Maybe I can kill my way to level 5 but wait! Killing no longer provides XP... In order to get to the next level I have to solve a puzzle, or unearth a treasure, or blow a horse, I dunno. Something a bit more exciting than hack-and-slash for hours.

I'd like a Metroid Prime with a third-person view, cuz that first person view makes me motion sick. Seriously, I've had Metroid Prime for over a year and I've only played two hours into it. Every time I pop it into the GC I can only play for about ten minutes before getting a strong urge to spew.

Finally, I'd love a really good remake of Final Fantasy VII. I love the original to death, but I'd need a new pair of pants if Square-Enix told me I could have a new version with improved graphics and Dolby Digital surround sound.
"Sometimes I go into my own little world...but that's ok. They know me there." -Joel Hodgson

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Unread 08-18-2005, 04:54 PM   #14
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my dream game would have the traites of some mmorpg like the star wars ability to build your own space ship and fly your self around to different planets and also have the ability to customice the ship from engine to the interior to wepons to the type of ship but to soem limit like you cant have a death staf the biggist thing you can have is a star destroyer also from anarchy online to have the ability to have your own base the that and the standerd story line that comes with any mmorpg level up system fighting system but a huge enviroment i mean HUGE like to walk from the east to west would take like 10 hours but to make the enviroment easy to travel through a telaport system that get you from place to place that would be my dream game ohh and also it would be free base and easly installable or it could be on xbox live or ps2 online
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Unread 08-18-2005, 05:16 PM   #15
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Azisien can secretly fly, but doesn't, because it would make everyone else feel bad that they can't. Azisien can secretly fly, but doesn't, because it would make everyone else feel bad that they can't. Azisien can secretly fly, but doesn't, because it would make everyone else feel bad that they can't. Azisien can secretly fly, but doesn't, because it would make everyone else feel bad that they can't. Azisien can secretly fly, but doesn't, because it would make everyone else feel bad that they can't. Azisien can secretly fly, but doesn't, because it would make everyone else feel bad that they can't. Azisien can secretly fly, but doesn't, because it would make everyone else feel bad that they can't. Azisien can secretly fly, but doesn't, because it would make everyone else feel bad that they can't. Azisien can secretly fly, but doesn't, because it would make everyone else feel bad that they can't. Azisien can secretly fly, but doesn't, because it would make everyone else feel bad that they can't.

Originally Posted by Adoria
An awesome RTS game where individual battles were fought out via FPS or Turn-based combat.

Rise of Nations meets Halo
This would be pretty close to what you're looking for. I'd have the game myself if it had a better setting/was a bit bigger.

My dream game? Hrmmm...right now there's a couple games I'd gladly dream about:

1) Final Fantasy Tactics 2, with a multiplayer component.
2) FPS with heavy elements of RTS and RPG in a huge multiplayer setting. Commander and Observer modes switch the giant battle field (fantasy, modern, or future all work for me) to an RTS mode, KIND of like BF2, but stylized into real-time (See Savage link above for closest comparison). You'd play on a progressive account that 'levels' up. Something on a much bigger scale than the "levels" in shooters like Call of Duty: United Offensive.
3) I can't think of a third, I'm too busy cleaning up all the mess I made while typing out (2).
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Unread 08-19-2005, 08:27 PM   #16
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1) A MMORPG that has a dash of RTS in it. Think of Majesty, except the heroes are real people; along with the King being a player-elected official who would build guilds, set missions, and recruit NPC guards.

2) World Of Starcraft. The idea has been mentioned by either Brian or Tim. A massively-multiplayer action game. Since it would be Blizzard, we already know it'd be better than Planetside.
The toothpick holder. Ingeneous technology at its best.
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Unread 08-19-2005, 08:39 PM   #17
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Skyshot has a spectacular disco-style aura about.

A CRPG that allows alternative ways of leveling up. I first formed the idea playing Dragon Warrior I (appropriate in its own way) and refined it playing FFVII.

Basically, lower encounter rate, harder random battles. This should make the spells like "Poison" and "Sleep"* useful. Alternative ways of getting gold, such as finding and selling treasures. Most importantly, ability to buy EXP in towns. Gains after fights would have to be messed with for best results.

Also, it would be heavy on plot, but not more so than gameplay.

Final battle -- remember the final battle in FFVII? The one that prompted the programmers to add in the Ruby and Emerald weapons just to add a challenge to the game?** After going through that battle, I knew what my ideal final battle was -- the exact opposite of that one. Basically, the final boss would have a godly load of HP, and somewhat strong attacks, but not so strong you can't overheal them (FF3j, anyone?). That way, the battle would last a long time, and you'd feel fulfilled winning it.

I've been playing around with ideas for my own CRPG, which may never really see the light of day, but it allows me to vent ideas. It's bound to rock, though.

*DWI was the only game I've played where Sleep was not only useful on a regular basis, but pretty much vital.
**Yes, I know it can be made more difficult, and I know how. I intend to make it as difficult as possible on replay.

Bruno the Bandit, by Ian McDonald.
The One Formula to encapsulate all reality.
How to care for your introvert.

Mesden: Skyshot's the best. We know that.
i_am_the_red_mage: Skyshot, you are now officially one of my heroes.
Alyric: Damn, Skyshot. Can you be my hero?
Axl: Skyshot's opinions ftw.
Victus The Mighty: Skyshot's always right
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Unread 08-19-2005, 11:08 PM   #18
si vales valeo
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My dream game?

Xenogears, with a finished and not half-assed second disk.
Originally Posted by Carver from Dragon Quest VI
I once dreamt that my head turned into an apple pie. Everyone was trying to eat me and when I tried to scream, nothing but applesauce came out of my mouth.
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Unread 08-19-2005, 11:44 PM   #19
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Golden Sun three, on the DS there would be unlimited possibilties. One the Revolution/gamecube it would look bueatiful.
I'm officaly saying it now. Due to me becomeing an MMO addict (Final Fantasy XI) I will be here not often. If you see me you are lucky.

True geeks know what it is to be the friend who listens. Sensitive, intelligent, beautiful girls come to us for meaningful talk and profound empathy, then go back to their idiot boyfriends for wild, monkey sex. We need to talk less and workout more, fellas. -Joe Dodson
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Unread 08-20-2005, 12:25 AM   #20
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Default The Dark Abyss idea.

One idea from a long list of ideas (Seriously, if any of you need a idea for a game and game mechanics along with, I'd be happy to assist) would be a eyetoy action game in which the action would take place in an accursed abyss set in the Devil may cry universe, Where you, the gamer, accidently opens up a link between your world and the abyss via the TV and the eyetoy. The link is weak at first, and incapable of allowing things from the other side through. But as time goes by, it will get larger and larger. But you as the player can hope to close the gate by controlling a living puppet in the abyss. You could either control the character with the standard ps2 controller, or use a dance pad.

Fighting would involve moving your arms and hands in motions that your puppet would copy. So an abyssal spirit comes to destroy your puppet, and you simply move your arm out and bitchslap'em. In your exploration of the abyss, you find a parasitic entity that quickly latches onto your puppet. It feeds on the life energy you send your puppet, which allows it to increase it's strength. Since it realizes that your puppet is rather poorly able to defend itself from the abyssal spirits, it shapeshifts into weapons for you. It forms a shady alliance that will become important for when you fight the bosses.

I'll go indepth on the bosses in a sec. Due to the portal, you send in your own lifeforce to animate the puppets, which look like bare wooden puppets.When they are destroyed by the abyssal spirits, Your presence returns to the entrance of the abyss, where you enter another puppet. But as the portal grows bigger, more and more of your life force is sent to puppet. It'll start to show in that the puppet will start to get a face, a face that looks like your own. (a behind the scenes eyetoy scan of your head.) Eventually the puppet will become your body, and you'll be trapped in the abyss forever, so you'll have more incentive to hurry up. But in the meantime, the manifestation has some beneficial effects: The wooden body becomes flesh, and physical body parts have greater ability in the spirit world than in the physical world, much like how spiritual bodies have greater power in the physical world. For instance, when your puppet's legs become flesh, you can now jump much higher. Also, with the burst of life that the parasite gets, he can manipulate his form better. After you kill a certain boss, he'll turn into that bosses weapon, kneepad like blades, that allow you to kick your foes into submission.

The boss fights will take place within the abyss, and as the portal opens, in your very own room. There will be the usual beat em up style bosses, along with puzzle bosses, like where a witchlike spirit will fly into your room and you can only see it with the reflection on the tv. (In other words, the screen will shift into displaying what the eyetoy sees, as well as showing the witch fly about your room) You can swat the witch back by drawing an anti-witch symbol you learn earlier in the abyss. When she pops back into the abyss, you use your puppet self to beat the snot out of it.

Certain monsters will hide in your room and disrupt the signal to your puppet, and you'll switch back to the reflection to beat them out of your room with your real world-jitsu. You'll also meet up with people, and will have conversations that will help your progress in the game. If possible, I'd add the Ps2 microphone, and implement a realtalk feature, allowing you to actually talk to them, completing the immersion.

Here's some characters for starters (cuz dammit, when I explain an idea, I explain an idea!)

The Puppetmaker: A crazy soul banished to the abyss for making hordes of homocidal living puppets with clay made from the ashes of the dead. He's the maker of the puppets from DMC1, and if you have save data from DMC, he'll comment on how Dante (with the help of a third party) destroyed his precious creations remaining in the world. He may even seek revenge on you... But for now, he is your first guide to the abyss, and creates the non living puppet bodies you use to fulfill his twisted desires (there is no way for them to be animated in the spirit world by spirits, as spirits are more solid there).

Daughter: One of the puppet master's creatsions, his most perfect one to boot. Was sent here along with her creator, and helps to create the puppets. She has a dull personality, robotic and devoid of emotion. If The puppetmaker dies, she'll continue to make dolls.

The Fury Sisters:As youths they were enslaved by hellspawn and perveted mind, body and soul. They are ever lustful and tend to mistake one type of 'pleasure' for another, like sex and eating. Actually, by using those two together is why they were banished to the abyss. They point you in the right direction in exchange for your assitance on a few matters, but they seem to have far less than good intentions. They seem to be working for an unseen force. Each sister has a trait that belongs to the hellspawn that made use of them.

The Seer: Possibly your only true ally, a soul who ventured into the void in an attempt to place herself between the dimensions. She succeeded, and by doing this she gained a viewpoint from which to see in all directions, time, space, you name it. She is a good source to ask what to do, and is capable of serving as a coomunications service with things outside the void. However, she will not do them for free. Luckily for you, for reasons known only to her, she wants one of your puppets, so leave the current puppet, manifest in a new one, and hike back up to her.

Nicius: A fragmented soul that was cast off into the abyss by dark agents. He was put in the abyss fairly recently, and knows what's going on. Sadly, he sticks like a leech to you just like the Parasite, who I call "Steve" out of familiarity, and can only say one word. "Lars Nivel." Find his missing fragments to restore him to power.

Lars Nivel: One of the few "real world" people you'll talk to, a human scientist and an avid investigator of the occult. He's also a bit of a geek. He's investigating the recent bizarre happenings in the occult world, and when he learns where your calling him from, he's a little cross that you were so stupid to open the portal. He'll tell you about what's going on in the physical world, as well as teach you some anti spirit tricks and give insight to the nature of the abyss, and the conspiracy that led you to have it. And he seems to have an acquaintance with a certain Paranormal killer...

A cool thing about him that I'd love to have would be a visible phone number on his shirt or something, that you could actually call on your actual phone to connect to a voice operated directory made by him, from which you could get help in defeating bosses or solving puzzles, and would also be full of humor at his ineptness at getting the directory to work. Also, it would be slightly possessed due to his grand ineptness at getting it to work, so sometimes where his own programming fails, the artificial female voice will personally tell you things.

Dante: Lars refers you to Dante, as Dante may very well be the only one who could get you out. (If you had DMC game saves, you could actually call him first, then he'd refer you to Lars. He'd remember that he had help in defeating impossible odds, and be a bit more sympathetic to your plight, and give your parasite the ability to become one of his swords from the games) He is brash and cocky as usual, and give little care about your plight. But when he learns about an enemy from his past trying to escape the portal with super powers at his disposal, he's more than willing to help. He'll actually contact you by a orb that will appear in your room to tell you what he's discovered, as well as provide funny background music as he menaces puny cult leaders for information. He'll prove to be very important in the final stretch of the plot.

Tri Kery: (I suck at good names, and he'd have a better one if this was actually made in the game. A seemingly normal man who has been stuck in the abyss for ages, and claims he was put in here wrongly, but has taken it upon himself to oversee the abyss and prevent the dark spirits from ever escaping. If you want to learn the twist about him, just look a the name. A good rule of thumb, if they've been banished into an abyss of eternal torment, rather than just killed, there was probably a good reason for the effort of doing so.

Finally, you would save by using Time crystals, devices that allowed their user to return to any moment in time. They were banished to this place due to the fact that time travel was far too powerful. So you'd go to a crystal, and it'd save a snapshot of that moment to your memory card. Then, when you wanted to, you could return to that moment. (save and load) Now, you may be thinking, why don't the enemies use them? A: They have all the time in the world, while you don't. B: They do use them, but can't use them to alter time. An idiot of a villain will be defeated after a joke of a boss battle by using a crystal. He'll go back to an earlier place in time, but to you, he'll have vanished forever, due to time paradoxes and all that jazz. So you can go on happily with your adventure.

That is all!
__________________ An experimental blog of writing. Updated possibly daily. Possibly. A fair chance.

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