01-01-2011, 03:07 AM
Feelin' Super!
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 4,191
Trollslum Act 2: Under siege by planet Jupiter
>Nasryl: Deal with more bullshit
You have just gotten through dealing in medical supplies with Sharl, as seen here. That last patient was probably half-awake during the operation. If he was asleep for all of it, there may have been a greater chance. You could try alternatives, like SOPOR SLIME, but you aren't sure about the safety of that. Sharl is the best for supplying this stuff, but you aren't sure if you can keep affording it.
Wait, whats this bullshit?
You proceed to inject your words into the Memo by Tergum. Now to deal with Aldurin again.
THIS IS STUPID-- hazardousPractitioner [HP] has begun pestering technopaticAnomaly [TA] --
HP: Aldurin, what is this game thing that Capiti is gXing Xn abXut.
TA: thErE Isn't As mUch tO knOw As thErE tO InfEr
TA: Ust thrOw A qUEstIOn At mE And I'll trY tO AnswEr It tO thE bEst of mY knOwlEdgE
HP: HXw abXut I make it easier Xn yXu.
HP: Tell me the everything abXut this befXre I lXse interest and let yXu guys kill yXurselves.
TA: Fine, here's what I definitely know.
TA: First of all, it requires some kind of chain relationship between all of the players, forcing cooperation in some way I'm unsure of at this time.
TA: Second, I've found some identifiable code within the game that considers the starting planet to be "lifeless" after an undetermined period of time.
TA: This could mean anything from the planet blowing up to the planet catching on fire to everyone who is not playing dying simultaneously.
TA: That's all I really know for now, also everybody's future self seems to claim this game is awesome, therefore there should be no real excuse to not want to play.
HP: what
-- [color=lime]hazardouspractitioner [HP] has disconnected --
No fucking way. Really Derpah?
>Nasryl: Go bitch about it to Tergum.
You return to the memo and add your own two boonbucks.
You enter into this little slice of the Team Rocket memo.CURRENT hazardousPractitioner [HP] has responded to memo
CHP: What the everlXving fuck is wrXng with yXu peXple.
CHP: I just gXt Xff the metaphXrical phXne with Aldurin, and wXrd is that this will kill everything.
CHP: I'm willing tX give dXubt tX the pXssibility, because it was stated by the guy whX dXesn't knXw metal cXnducts electricity.
CHP: But let me reiterate:
CHP: What the fuck. Why are yXu peXple actually gXing thrXugh with it?
FAH: Fantasti[ questi[]ns, every[]ne.
FAH: In []rder:
FAH: A|_durin, fu[k y[]u f[]r questi[]ning my |_eadership ^^eth[]ds.
FAH: Zebrek, fu[k y[]u f[]r resp[]nding t[] this. Y[]u're fr[]^^ a further future than I a^^, s[] y[]u sh[]u|_d kn[]w ^^[]re than I d[]...
FAH: What a^^ I even saying, y[]u never kn[]w ja[k shit.
FAH: And Nasry|_, we're g[]ing thr[]ugh with it be[cause...
FAH: A[tua|_|_y, A|_durin never exp|_ained that to ^^e.
FAH: I ^^ean, I, pers[]na|_|_y, a^^ g[]ing thr[]ugh with it be[ause fu[k every[]ne wh[] isn't ^^e.
FAH: A|_s[], better t[] be behind the end []f the w[]r|_d and |_ive than t[] sit ba[k and die.
CHP: That makes nX sense.
CHP: YXu make nX sense.
CHP: I'll be sure tX Xffer a discXunt brain scan next time I see yXu.
CHP: Anyways, fuck yXu.
CHP: It wXn't wXrk, sX I'm nXt even gXing tX argue further with the likes Xf yXu.
CHP: Tell me when it fails, k' asshXle?
CURRENT hazardousPractitioner [HP] has ceased responding to memo
Those guys are idiots. Definitely not going to work. In fact, you bet their husktops will just explode in their faces because of Derpah's game and you'll be picking out the shrapnel later today.
Unfortunately, the end was being orchestrated at this moment. Later that day you would go to Team Rocket at the last minute and get a position. It would be a constant point of shame for you through the course of the adventure.
>End: Be orchestrated
Meanwhile, on a small hive overlooking the sea, disaster was forming. Although the adventurous seadog had no way of knowing it, the countdown to doom, and in a sense beginning, had just picked up.
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