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Unread 06-02-2004, 08:04 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Jaguar

Conclusion: Boys are sometimes more prone to violence than girls.
hell yeah. and women dont spend long in the shower, it's just they spend an hour in the bathroom afterwards. no exageration(did i spell that right?).another thing ive noticed is that women can notice how attactive other women are no matter their sexual orientation. not with men. the only thing i can distiguish in a man is either ugly or i dont know.
*EDIT* 13th page w00t
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Originally Posted by Azisien
And of course, the mandatory sequel and Speed variant:
Snakes on a Subway.
"Jim...the brakes are dead, the fucking brakes are dead! We can't stop the sub!"
"That's not the worst of our problems, Bill, we've got motherfuckin' snakes."
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Unread 06-03-2004, 01:54 AM   #42
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All men are stupid. All Women are crazy. When Men hear this they smile and nodd their heads and pretend to understand. When women hear this, they instantly enter a state of denial, and if pressed to hard will fly into a psychotic rage. Generalizations are fun.

Here's a story: A husband and wife are driving on a long road trip. The wife asks the husband if he wants to stop to get something to eat. the husband replies "no," and has to sleep on the couch that night. And now, class, can someone tell me what did he do wrong?
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Unread 06-03-2004, 02:02 AM   #43
Jack of Spades
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He didn't make sure whether she wanted to stop or not.

A guy can see people make fun of mwen on TV and not get offended.
If we show a dumb girl on TV suddenly the evil men with thier death wangs are discriminating against them.

sorry if that offends anyone...actually I'm only sorta sorry I'm just obligated to say that so I'm not being sexist.
Imagine...In a world with no stupid people you would never hear:
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Unread 06-03-2004, 07:13 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Elminster_Amaur
About that whole "girls are more stubborn" thing that somebody said, well, I think thats a load of bull shit. Guys, as a whole, have always been much more stubborn that girls, and that's a genetic thing too. See, the female brain is not one track, like the male brain, so they are much less likely to be stubborn as a mule than a man would be. The problem is that male stubbornness is not the same thing as female stubbornness. Generally, and this is a big generality, the things that females are stubborn about, males could care less about, and as such, will just do whatever their wives/girlfriends/whatever-else-there-is tells them to do. There are about three things that a man will be stubborn about, and those things are normally these: Power(money, land, political positions, servants, etc.), Women, Pride. Take Hitler for example: When he knew he was about to be overcome by the allies, he had the man power to stop them, if he put everything into it, but, as his stubborn-ness was not Pride or Women, but Ethnic-Cleansing(as he called it), he put all of his power into killing as many Jews as he could. The world could do without such single-minded stubbornness, as it normally leads to many deaths. But I've never heard of a woman killing millions of people because of any of the reasons I've listed that men have, so I have to wonder if women are the better...
Where to start...I my self find women to be more stubborn about more things at the least. That hole thing you just put there (the list) is pretty stereotype and I personally don't know many men or women who are stubborn about those things...And comparing this to Hitler was a bit harsh. You cant know what was on Hitlers mind when he did what he did, you can only speculate. Besides no woman has ever done anything like that because women haven't been in controll of that much power that often. And when they have had the power they have choosen not to do anything like Hitler or anyone else did. There are men who have had the power to do bad things, but they haven't done anything.
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Unread 06-04-2004, 12:10 PM   #45
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Aww, I don't get online for a week and I miss all the stereotype-perpetuating fun...

I'll level with ya here: I don't get it. I look at people, and they are basically the same to me. Some people preen for hours, some don't really care one way or the other how they look, most fall somewhere in between. Some people are neat freaks, others wade merrily through their own filth, most people lead a relatively clean but cluttered life. Some people are serious chatterboxes, other people take their eerie silence wherever they go. Etc etc etc....the list goes on and on, and I still find examples of each type within both genders. Maybe I just hang out with a dramatically different crowd than most people here, but I'm inclined to think people have more similarities than we would sometimes like to imagine.

Maybe it breaks down to what portions of gender socialization we choose to buy into? Society tells us how we, as men or women, respectively, are supposed to act, think, dress, communicate, but everyone will find something about the status quo that rubs him or her the wrong way, and will deviate on that point. Pierced, tattooed skater boys may cry when their hearts are broken. A sweet, well-mannered girl may try to politely reason with a bully, but ultimately rub his face in the dirt when he threatens one of her friends.

Why do gender stereotypes exist? I'm inclined to think it is because they are convenient. It is easier to write an issue off as, "I can't blame him, it's a guy thing," or, "It's nothing, she's just being a girl, is all," rather than investigating the underlying problem. Maybe he is prone to act callous and indifferent because his parents berated him whenever he showed any emotion. Maybe her family showered her with gifts, but not affection, and she honestly thinks if he really loved her, he'd surely be making more money. Stereotypes are insidious because they allow us to breeze past discourse on real interpersonal(interracial, gender, socioeconomical, etc.) issues, and thereby bypass any resolution of problems. They are thought-stoppers, and ultimately destructive to progress, in our society and in our personal lives.

"Being a mage is about giving a damn."~2nd Ed. M:tA Handbook
"Hope is the bravest rebellion."~Phil Brucato

"this is clearly the fault of those wacky money-hating environmentalists, with their tye-dyed t-shirts and their total lack of political power, making life miserable for those poor oppressed three-hundred-billion-dollar-market-cap oil companies."~fifthfiend
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Unread 06-04-2004, 12:41 PM   #46
Static Hamster
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this was supposed to be a light-hearted topic of stories that show the common stereo types between men and women and hey kinda make fun of them.

I should've known this would become a serious topic...silly me.

To continue on's another story:

Staying overnight at some womans house for the first time always held some trepedation (can't spell it, but I had to use it!!) for me. Its the waking up the next morning and getting in the shower. I wear glasses and am near I can't make out the bottles in the shower....and usually there are many. And so the adventure of "Where the hell is the shampoo? Begins."

I usually find conditioner, Kiwi Body Wash, then Appricot scented body wash, then Almond scented conditioner, then Lavender Bubble bath. Ok I'm trying to wash my hair, not make a fruit basket...where is the damn Shampoo? How many bottles of skin and hair care products does one woman need in her washroom?"
I am nothing but a figment of my own imagination

:bmage: that you, pie?
:wmage: No, silly. It's me. The woman of your dreams.
:bmage: ... a woman made entirely of pie?
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Unread 06-04-2004, 01:19 PM   #47
Jack of Spades
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I get those things mixed up all the time. I get soap on my face so when i open my eyes too much it burns so I'm half blind fumbling for bottles. I get out and notive I used all the wrong stuff like using body wash as shampoo. Then I walk in the front room. I smell like a fruit bowl and the dog thinks I smell good so he keeps trying to lick it off me so I get mud all over my clothes and skin so I have to go take another shower and do it again.
Imagine...In a world with no stupid people you would never hear:
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Last edited by Jack of Spades; 06-04-2004 at 01:21 PM.
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Unread 06-04-2004, 01:28 PM   #48
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Sorry, didn't mean to rain on your parade, however outdated and irrelevant I may find it to be.

I find gender issues extremely fascinating, and I suppose I was trying to participate with my non-story. My (male) friend pisses and moans about absolutely everything, fusses for hours in front of a mirror to get the right "look" for going out, and if I ever get brain cancer or something, I will definitely blame him and his hour-long "LARP was cool this week because..." gab-fests to me on my cell phone. He is also a complete slob, doesn't eat his vegetables, and only began to bathe with any consistency after he got married. My (female) friend is loudly opinionated, a dedicated student of computer science, has been known to use her arguments and her fists to silence the opposition, and is apparently unable to get drunk, regardless of the copious amounts of alcohol she consumes. When she's not playing video games, though, she's shopping for something, most frequently baby clothes that she just thinks are the cutest things she's ever seen, and shoes. God, does that girl have a shoe addiction.

My point is that there are "masculine" and "feminine" aspects of all people. You're absolutely right, if we take ourselves seriously all the time, we wouldn't have any fun. Parade away, little rodent, parade away.

"Being a mage is about giving a damn."~2nd Ed. M:tA Handbook
"Hope is the bravest rebellion."~Phil Brucato

"this is clearly the fault of those wacky money-hating environmentalists, with their tye-dyed t-shirts and their total lack of political power, making life miserable for those poor oppressed three-hundred-billion-dollar-market-cap oil companies."~fifthfiend
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Unread 06-04-2004, 01:40 PM   #49
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women are pretty...

men... not so much.
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Unread 06-04-2004, 03:28 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by reality_deviant
Maybe I just hang out with a dramatically different crowd than most people here, but I'm inclined to think people have more similarities than we would sometimes like to imagine.
I'm not sure. As for me, I hang out in a 8th grade classroom filled with smart people and dumbasses from both genders. For example, I remember when a smart girl yells out to the whole room that Playboy magazine was degrading women, all the while waving an issue of Playboy in her left hand. Then, a dumb girl raises her hand and shouts "What the hell does degrading mean?" I have examples for guys too (even more than I do for the girls), but I can't think of any right now.
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