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Unread 03-09-2011, 02:13 PM   #1
Strike the Earth!
Arcanum's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was.

> Fine. Be that way. I don't need you. I can find some other troll to command.

You have found Reztek! Unfortunately he can not be commanded at the moment because he is busy being confused and horrified by what he just witnessed.

> Relive the traumatizing experience.

No need, it's still fresh in your mind and currently ongoing. You are living it right now. But for the sake of avoiding confusion here's a recap. You just met yourself, from the future, who was missing an arm and bleeding profusely. He then told you about the game you would soon play with your friends that would both doom and save the world. He then told you to get to the sub-basement, which is where you are now.

> Find something to distract yourself with until Doomed Reztek dies

You rummage through boxes that are sweeps old, filled with old rusted instruments and other various useless things. However luck smiles upon you and you find your old husktop. This thing is ancient, and would be about as useful as a paper weight if it didn't have its power chord with it, which thankfully it does.

> Begin trolling friends immediately and forget about the death of your future self

You'd love to but the fact that he's you from the future is rather upsetting. It also doesn't help that you just heard a loud screeching yell coming from upstairs. While you're curious about what he's doing up there, a part of you believes enough of what he said to stay down here until the worst happens.

> Realize you are going to die a premature death

Upon realizing this most depressing realization you come to the only logical conclusion; time to cut away all future responsibilities, starting with the most important.

> Inform friends you are going to die

You start pestering Sharl. He really needs to know what's going on. You won't be needing those instruments you ordered any time soon. He'll be disappointed in the canceled order, but it's better than having him deliver the goods and never receive payment. You know, since you will be dead.

You then proceed to have this conversation. However something rather important happens midway through the conversation, so we'll just jump to that part.

> Jump to the important bit

The important bit happens right when you realize how pathetic you have been. Specifically when you were typing the following:

Show PesterlogEO: Oh goG i am Such A patHetiC wriGgleR
EO: YourE rigHt it Was pRobaBly aLl soMe twIsteD delUsioN i thOughT up tO givE mysElf sOme fAke hOpe tHat sHellY wasNt reAlly Dead
EO: I am sO gogDamnEd STuPID
EO: Wait I thiNk i jUst hEard SomeThinG froM upsTairS, brb

The noise you heard was subtle at first, as if someone coughed while holding a microphone that was hooked up to you Wall of Amps while the dial was cranked ridiculously high. You have good ears for this sort of thing. You take a few tentative steps towards the staircase that leads out of the sub-basement before you hear something incredibly stupid.

show herologGLUB!!!!!!!!


After a few moments of clutching your head and spewing words most unbecoming of someone with blood such as yours you return to your husktop and finish the rest of this conversation.

> Read some memos

You plan to, but first you need to get down to business. Tergum pestered you about the game forever ago and you never got back to him about it.

show pesterlog--antipathicHopper [AH] began trolling eloquentOrchestrator [EO]--
AH: []i, neatfreak.
AH: Y[]u've been drafted int[] a ga^^e that wi|_|_ destr[]y the w[]r|_d.
AH: D[]n't p|_ay, and, we|_|_...
AH: It'|_|_ get ^^essy. {8|
AH: Y[]u in?

EO: Hey sOrry I was PreoCcuPied EarlIer
EO: I thiNk in A bit I wilL infOrm tHe teAm abOut iT witH troLliaNs tiMe thIng
EO: That Way yOu guYs wilL knoW im oN the Team
EO: AlthOugh I gueSs yoU alrEady Know?
EO: Fuck This Time Shit Is weIrd aNd coNfusIng
EO: Oh anD im uP to sPeed With The gAme... mOstlY
EO: I knoW how To plAy anD why We arE plaYing
EO: Just Dont Ask hOw i kNow
EO: Just... Just Dont...

AH: G[][]d t[] kn[]w, I supp[]se.
AH: I'|_|_ take y[]ur w[]rd f[]r it.

EO: Ok goOd
EO: I stiLl neEd to Know The EntrY ordEr thOugh
EO: And i Need The fIle

AH: Y[]u g[] in fifth, after S[a|_is and bef[]re Vintag.
antipathicHopper [AH] sent eloquentOrchestrator [EO] file "Sgrub_remastered.texe" and file "Not_dying_in_Sgrub_for_assholes_v0.01.ttxt"
EO: ThanKs
--eloquentOrchestrator [EO] ceased trolling antipathicHopper [EO]--

> Deal with weird time shit

You proceed to binge on several of the trans-timeline memos that your friends seem to find so amusing. You spend the next hour or so doing this, responding occasionally when necessary. You hoped to glean some information of what will happen in the game but most, if not all, of the memos quickly degrade into useless bickering. You notice that your future self chimes in occasionally, berating everyone else for their lack of organization. While the sight of words from your future self gives you some hope that you will survive, your eyes are inevitably drawn to the times he is posting from. Always ??? hours in the future. It seems you will be neck deep in surprise noodle soup for quite some time.

> Enough with the memos, deal with more pressing issues

You decide it's time you stopped informing yourself about the future and started living it. You begin by getting in touch with your server and client players. Better to have the foundations of the game set and organized before you start playing than resort to a mad scramble in an attempt to narrowly avoid death by meteor.

> Troll your server player

You proceed to have this conversation with Vintag. Evidently it didn't go as well as you hoped. Oh well, maybe you will have better luck with Scalis.

> Troll your client player

show pesterlog--eloquentOrchestrator [EO] began trolling pandorasArchivist [PA]--
EO: Hey sCaliS
EO: I gueSs im Your ServEr plAyer For sGrub
EO: We shOuld ProbAbly StarT orgAnizIng oUr efFortS to gEt yoU in tHe gaMe
EO: PrefErabLy to AvoiD any Mad sCramBles
EO: ScalIs?
EO: You bEtteR not Be loSt in Your Damn LibrAry aGain
EO: How mAny tImes Do i nEed tO offEr to Help OrgaNize It prOperLy beFore You lIsten?

> Be another troll while waiting for a response
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Unread 03-14-2011, 08:21 PM   #2
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Aldurin is the 13th apostle of funk. Aldurin is the 13th apostle of funk. Aldurin is the 13th apostle of funk. Aldurin is the 13th apostle of funk. Aldurin is the 13th apostle of funk. Aldurin is the 13th apostle of funk. Aldurin is the 13th apostle of funk. Aldurin is the 13th apostle of funk. Aldurin is the 13th apostle of funk. Aldurin is the 13th apostle of funk. Aldurin is the 13th apostle of funk.

You are now Aldurin's Clusterhusk.

>I said another troll . . .

You are currently hacking observatories and radar emplacements across Alternia, while simultaneously processing the information.

>Can't you just be Aldurin?

You complete a data analysis of impact sites for all known trolls to be connected within the administrator's session of the program "Sgrub". Conflict detected between impact times and entry order with estimated rate of entry, recalculating new configuration.

>What is this I don't even-

Recalculation complete, maintain sequence for first four variables of each grouping, make the last four variables of each into their own groupings.

>Please say that again but more normally

Receiving Trollian commands, opening memo.

technopathicalAnomaly [TA] opened memo URGENT CHANGE OF PLANS right now
TA: bAd nEws And bAd nEws
TA: fIrst bAd nEws, thE mEtEOrs wOn't ImpAct tO fIt OUr OrIgInAl sEqUEncE
TA: sEcOnd bAd nEws, wE'rE cUttIng OUr tEAms In hAlf tO AccOmmOdAtE
TA: glIssA And rEztEk ArE nOw prOmOtEd tO lEAdIng thE EntrY fOr thE sEcOnd hAlvEs Of thEIr rEspEctIvE tEAMs
TA: wIth AnY lUck thIs shOUld fIt thE mEtEOrlOgIcAl schEdUle And lEt All Of Us gO In AlIvE
TA: AlsO If yOU'rE rEAdIng thIs frOm thE fUtUrE gO tEll yOUr dAmn pAst sElvEs thAt thIs Is whAt's hAppEnIng
> I've had it, be an actual troll this time.
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Unread 03-15-2011, 05:35 PM   #3
Making it happen.
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Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare.
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> Be an actual troll this time.

You are now an actual troll. You are being that troll so hard you don't know you can take it.

> What.

Remember Burgun?

> Oh, right. What was she doing again?

You were busy being a more composed troll while you were wracked with worry over your matesprit, Neethe, and guilt over allowing so many trolls to be doomed.

But now you think you wanna try being that more composed troll yourself. You've still got to finish getting Leraje into the medium, after all.

You stand up and turn to the computer to find that he's already contacted you. Game-face time.

absentPsychologist [AP] started trolling brutalTrifecta [BT]
AP: Burgun. Are you ready, to play?
BT: HEEELLO, leeerajeee. i'veee takeeen careee of EEEVEEERYTHING i can.
BT: what do i do AFTEEER i'veee installeeed sgrub?
AP: Activate it. And connect to me. Then we can get, on our. Way.
BT: okay, i just eeenteeer your USEEERNAMEEE in this fieeeld, right?
BT: doneee.
BT: okay, i SEEE you i think!!!

He is indeed there, and as he looks around he waves awkwardly in another direction. You assume he's trying to wave at you, but the connection that lets you see him seems to be unidirectional. He's got kinda funny-looking eyes, but he doesn't look like nearly as big a jerk as most purple-bloods you've met. Maybe they're nicer when they're young?

> We've been through this already. Skip the chatty bits please.

Leraje walks you through the process of being a SGrub server. The interface takes a bit of time to get used to, but being able to move stuff around someone else's hive is awesome, and it looks like you can build entirely new extensions if you can get ahold of more of this "grist" stuff. As you begin placing the various game constructs in his hive you make a mental note of which locations in your own home would be most ideal for placement.

> Recuperacoon. Cruxtruder. Make it happen.

You make it happen with gusto, while wondering what you have that you could bash against your own Cruxtruder when the time comes. You haven't been able to get ahold of a new recuperacoon since Sylvia broke the last one a sweep ago, and regardless, you're not entirely sure you'd be willing to put up with the horrendous cleanup yet again. You guess your thermal hull would work, but you like having something to eat. Perhaps your server player could take one of the counter-tops?

The glowy thing merges with Leraje's shipping wall (seriously, you need to sit down and have a talk with this kid at some point) to produce a glowy floating television that seems to be ... agitated? Is that an adjective you can use for spectral appliances? In the bright glow the kernelsprite gives off, you notice some numbers on the side of the cruxtruder.

And they're ticking down.

> Looks important. Has the boy noticed?

You call attention to this, but before you can get a reply, a massive impact rocks your hivestem! You curse loudly as your refridgerator tips over and messily ejects its various contents, and again as your husktop's internet connection cuts out from sudden interference, leaving Leraje on his own for now.

Have I run out of time already?

As the rumbling continues, parts of your hive, fragile from disuse and a lack of maintainance, begin to crumble. Without even thinking, you pull your husktop away and dive for cover beneath the now horizontally-aligned fridge door. It's a terrible mess, but infinitely preferable to taking your chances with your hive falling apart around you. After several minutes, the rumbling stops, and you cautiously make your way out to survey the damage. While the basic shape of your hive remains mostly intact (Thank goodness for overengineered foundations), chunks of the floor and ceiling are missing, and without some serious repairs there's no telling when the whole thing could go. On the plus side, you're at ground level, which may have been a contributing factor to why you're still alive at all.

In hindsight, you really should have seen about tying Sylvia up when the maintainance drones came by to visit, instead of letting her chase them off. Could probably have prevented a fair bit more damage, you muse silently, as you look at the collapsed door frame of a side room near your balcony. You'd wager a guess that the entire room is flattened. Thankfully all that was in there was some bedding for you and Sylvia.

But wait. Where was Sylvia last, and where is she now?

> Oh, no.

Oh, no. SYLVIA!!

You start digging frantically through the debris, using your psychic powers to aid the process by breaking them apart. With each chunk, your motions grow increasingly frantic, and you bite back tears as you become more and more certain of what you'll find.

A couple minutes later, a furry, mangled foot appears. It seems she at least tried to escape but... wasn't fast enough. You curse again, loud enough this time that any surviving trolls in the area could surely hear you. Though the tears now stream freely down your face, you don't allow yourself to sob. You're stronger than that. She made you stronger than that.

> Sorry for your loss. What will you do?

You don't have time to give her a proper burial right now, and you don't have a clue where you'd put her anyway. But the least you can do is get all this debris off her body.

> Take your time.

Fifteen minutes after the initial impact, your clothes are filthy, you're covered in dust, and you're perfectly miserable, but the job's done. Sylvia's a mess of bloody flesh, matted fur, and broken bones, and there's obviously nothing you can do for her, but at least she'll keep till you can find a good place to pay your last respects. You knew she'd be leaving you before long, but you always figured she was too tough for anything but age to do her in.

Deciding you need a bit of fresh air, you head out onto your dust-covered balcony. Looking up, it looks like the meteor that hit struck one of the other apartments head on, and caused most of the rest of the hivestem to collapse on itself. Only about a fourth of the hivestem remains intact, and that's using the word loosely.

You head back downstairs and set your husktop back on the counter. You'd prefer not to conduct the rest of your business with Leraje within eyeshot of Sylvia's body, but you need to finish it nonetheless. Thankfully, the interference impeding your connection has passed, and better yet, absentPsychologist remains online.

> Finish up.

You get in touch with him, and quietly finish up his client preparations while learning a sample about what you would later come to call "alchemization." In this particular case, a strange-looking recuperacoon is created, already filled with slime. Before you can ask the significance of it, he strips down (has he forgotten there's a lady watching him??) hops in, and nods off. You have no idea why he'd be sleeping at a time like this, but you trust his knowledge of the game just enough to believe he knows what he's doing.

> Now would probably be a good time to get in contact with the shark-girl.

Yeah. Piron. You minimize Leraje's SGrub window and bring up Piron's username on Trollian.

brutalTrifecta [BT] started trolling StalkerSahagin [SS].
BT: heeey, piron.
BT: i'veee doneee all i can for leeerajeee.
BT: areee you reeeady?

> Be another troll.
Originally Posted by Andreus, Dwarf Fortress Community Overseer
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.
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Unread 03-16-2011, 08:36 PM   #4
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Flarecobra has apparently made an impact on one or two people over the years. Flarecobra has apparently made an impact on one or two people over the years. Flarecobra has apparently made an impact on one or two people over the years. Flarecobra has apparently made an impact on one or two people over the years. Flarecobra has apparently made an impact on one or two people over the years. Flarecobra has apparently made an impact on one or two people over the years. Flarecobra has apparently made an impact on one or two people over the years. Flarecobra has apparently made an impact on one or two people over the years. Flarecobra has apparently made an impact on one or two people over the years. Flarecobra has apparently made an impact on one or two people over the years. Flarecobra has apparently made an impact on one or two people over the years.
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> Be another Troll

You're now Piron. You're currentally installing the server software, though it's taking a bit of time due to your slower machine. Sitting next to it was a small round rock you found just outside, which you have the feeling is a meteorite from what you have read in the memos.

> Take Meteorite.

You store it for later opening. There have been a couple times from the past that you've found some odd rocks, that have had crystals lining the inside of them, so you've started hanging on to them.

> Check husktop. Is it done yet?

The husktop is working as fast as it can! It's an old device, several sweeps old.

However, a couple minutes pass by just like that, and it's now fully installed. Checking Trollian, you see Burgun has messaged you.

> Answer.

brutalTrifecta [BT] began trolling StalkerSahagin [SS]
BT: heeey, piron.
BT: i'veee doneee all i can for leeerajeee.
BT: areee you reeeady?

SS: Yes.
BT: okay, hurry up and CONNEEECT pleeeaseee.
BT: as you can probably seee, it's PREEETTY URGEEENT that weee not wasteee timeee heeereee. :-(

SS: Remember, my connection is slow.
SS: There may be lag.
SS: I will hasten what I can.

BT: okay, that'll work.


You proceed to connect to Burgun, and soon see the wreak of her hive. She looks a bit older then you expected, but that's moot right now. You look over what you have to work with, lightly sliding your lower lip between your two sets of upper teeth as you think.

BT: leeet's start simpleee: can you useee theee REEEVISEEE tool to reeepair someee of my hiveee?
SS: I can make a shelter.
SS: That way you won't be crushed.
SS: At least until I learn these controls.

BT: thanks. it'll do for theee momeeent.

You spot an open spot, and using the Revise tool, repairing the floor a bit, and using some of the larger chunks, start to make them into a little shelter that Burgun can get into. You start to set them up in the repared area, setting up three walls. Lifting up a chunk to make a roof, you spy the remains of a lusus.

SS: Your Lusus?
BT: ...yeeeah. :-(
BT: sheee just dieeed. i WANTEEED to bury heeer, but i don't haveee theee TIMEEE just yeeet.
BT: gotta geeet doneee with my part of the CHAIN beeeforeee the neeext meeeteeeor hits MEEE.

On the screen, you wait to see if the temporary shelter is of the right size before you start to clear out the debris so you can start getting started setting up the tools needed to continue. You're wanting to keep everything in the same room, so as to waste as little time running about.

SS: Ok, try that.
BT: thanks.
BT: just put theee MACHINEEES wheeereeeveeer you think theeereee's someee STABLEEE ground.
BT: theee BALCONY is mostly intact i think.

SS: I want to keep everything togeather.
SS: Waste as little time as possable.
SS: I think I can clear out some of this...

You then start to move some of the debris off to the side, and using the same trick you used before, repairing the floor underneath. You manage to set up the totem lathe and the cruxtruder down, but then see that there's little room left. Zooming out a bit, you spy the balcony which seemed to be intact. You set it up out there, then zoom back in to see it shake slightly. You beleve to be running short on time.

BT: wheeen you'veee put down theee CRUXTRUDEER, you'll neeed to hit the top with something HEEEAVY.
BT: can you seee if any of the DEEEBRIS will work?

SS: Maybe.

> Hit it!

You pick up a heavy-looking piece of debris and drop it on the cruxtruder. It just shattered. Apperentally it was mostly hollow inside. You give a slight growl of annoynce at that, then grab something a bit more solid and drop it on that. With the impact, it released the sprite, which makes you jump a bit in surprise. Quickly glancing at the guide, you let Burgun know where to go for the Alchemiter.

SS: The alcamizer is outside on your balcony.
SS: I'll see about catching debris.

BT: okay, wheeen i weeent through this PROCEEESS with leeerajeee, i had to stick someeething inside that glowy SPHEEEREEE.
BT: you haveee any IDEEEAS what weee should useee?

SS: A memo suggested our lucii...
BT: what?
SS: The lusus.
SS: Something about bringing them back.

BT: ......
BT: areee you saying i can bring sylvia back?

SS: Maybe.
SS: Only one way to find out.

BT: yeees, pleeeaseee do.
SS: Ok.
SS: While I'm doing that... here.
SS: Have to use this.

BT: right. i reeemeeembeeer what leeerajeee did with this.

>Make her wear punch card like a hat.

You just set it in front of her. You have more important things to handle. Namely getting the lusus corpse into the sprite. Picking it up carefully so as not to damage it, you prepare to drop it in while Burgun handles the Alchemy.

> Check out someone who isn't a Derp.
"Only the fool wishes to go into battle to beat someone for the satisfaction of beating someone." -A Thousand Sons

Rules. Read them, know them, love them.

Last edited by Flarecobra; 03-16-2011 at 09:15 PM.
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Unread 03-19-2011, 03:09 PM   #5
Strike the Earth!
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Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was.

> Check out someone who isn't a Derp.

You are now checking out Reztek, who is doing some hardcore waiting. The amount of time that is flying by is unreal with the sheer patience that he is dishing out left and right. Yeah this is some grade A patience served up thinly sliced on a solid gold platter.

> What the hell are you talking about?

Translation: He's still waiting on a reply from Scalis, but it doesn't look like he's going to get one any time soon.

> How much time has passed?

About twenty minutes. He was so busy trying to be patient he failed miserably.

> Just be Reztek already

You are now Reztek, you are currently EXTREMELY BORED. You're tempted to go check on your hive, but you can still hear some debris settling. It might be better to wait until you have a server player before venturing upstairs.

> Do things you've already done before

You decide to browse through some more memos. There are two boards that you haven't checked yet. There's the one Gormma made called APOCALYPSHE NOW-ISH, and another unnamed board that Aldurin made. Which one will you read?


You open up Aldurin's unnamed board.

> Do you even pay attention to these commands?

Not in the slightest!

> Just show the pesterlog and respond to the memo

show pesterlogCURRENT technopathicalAnomaly [TA] RIGHT NOW opened memo URGENT CHANGE OF PLANS on board
CTA: bAd nEws And bAd nEws
CTA: fIrst bAd nEws, thE mEtEOrs wOn't ImpAct tO fIt OUr OrIgInAl sEqUEncE
CTA: sEcOnd bAd nEws, wE'rE cUttIng OUr tEAms In hAlf tO AccOmmOdAtE
CTA: glIssA And rEztEk ArE nOw prOmOtEd tO lEAdIng thE EntrY fOr thE sEcOnd hAlvEs Of thEIr rEspEctIvE tEAMs
CTA: wIth AnY lUck thIs shOUld fIt thE mEtEOrlOgIcAl schEdUle And lEt All Of Us gO In AlIvE
CTA: AlsO If yOU'rE rEAdIng thIs frOm thE fUtUrE gO tEll yOUr dAmn pAst sElvEs thAt thIs Is whAt's hAppEnIng

FUTURE eloquentOrchestrator [EO] ??? HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo
FEO: Shit I musT havE misSed tHis mEmo dUrinG my rCent Memo BingE
FEO: ThesE cloCks aLwayS shoW surPrisE nooDles For mE but Its oNly bEen lIke tWentY minUtes SincE theN

CTA: dAmmIt, wEll At lEAst yOU knOw EvEntUAllY
CTA: glIssA, ArE yOU rEAdIng thIs

FUTURE bathorysIllustrator [FBI] 15 MINUTES FROM NOW responded to memo
FBI: I guesse it won't be too long a gap until I reade it
FBI: Yeah I get it though. I still have time to enter. I won't bother paste me though.

CTA: gOOd, nOw thOsE OthErs thAt mAy sEE thIs jUst nEEd tO fOllOw thE plAn
technopathicalAnomaly [TA] closed memo CHANGE OF PLANS


You realize in hindsight that they have no frame of reference for when you finished your memo binge. For all they know you're hours into the future. On the plus side this gives you something to do for the next little while. Planning must be done if your team is to win this competition. Sure survival is important too, but just like in your FLARP days winning is the true objective.

Although first your team will need a place to communicate, to stay organized. That should be simple enough.


show pesterlogCURRENT eloquentOrchestrator [EO] RIGHT NOW opened a memo on board RHYTHM & BUTCHERY
EO: HopeFullY you Are aLl awAre tHat tHereS beeN a chAnge In plAns bY now, And tHat wE are Now oUr owN teaM
EO: And oF couRse bY "we" i Mean VintAg, naSryl, AlduRin aNd of CourSe mySelf
EO: If yoU are Not pArt oF teaM r&b Then You wIll bE banNed oN sigHt
EO: FirsT ordEr of BusiNess, We neEd to StarT plaYing The dAmn gAme aLreaDy
EO: VintAg, im SorrY aboUt yoUr luSus bUt thE gamE can Help BrinG him Back, And tHe soOner You cOnneCt to Me thE sooNer nAsryL can Help You
EO: BasiCallY eveRyonE get In toUch wIth yOur pArtnErs aS quiCkly As poSsibLe (in The pReseNt plEase)
EO: I wanT thiS chaIn to Be as OrgaNizeD and As faSt as PossIble
EO: We arE in tHis nOt onLy to SurvIve, bUt to Win!


Well that takes care of a meeting place. Too bad nobody knows about it. But that's nothing a few quick linear and direct messages can't handle.

> Troll Aldurin

show pesterlog-- eloquentOrchestrator [EO] began trolling technopathicalAnomaly [EO] --
EO: Hey aLdurIn i sAw yoUr meMo
EO: I madE a neW memO so wE can Stay OrgaNizeD
EO: ClicK the ShitTy drAwinG

> Troll Vintag

show pesterlog-- eloquentOrchestrator [EO] began trolling burlesqueBalderdash [BB] --
EO: VintAg im SorrY aboUt yoUr luSus bUt thE gamE can Help
EO: The tEams Have ChanGed a Bit sO heaD oveR to tHe neW memO
EO: ClicK the ShitTy drAwinG

> Troll Nasryl

show pesterlog-- eloquentOrchestrator [EO] began trolling hazardousPractitioner [HP] --
EO: NasrYl thE teaMs haVe chAngeD sliGhtlY
EO: ClicK the ShitTy drAwinG and ChecK the New mEmo


That takes care of that. You doubt any other team is as organized as you are. Now you just hope your own team can keep up with the preparations you made. Nothing to do but wait... again. Sweet jegus is there ever a lot of waiting.

> Be a troll who isn't stuck waiting.
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Unread 03-20-2011, 12:48 PM   #6
Bard The 5th LW
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Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

> Be a troll who isn't stuck waiting.

The perspective suddenly alters to Glissa who is waiting outside of her hive for a message from Caoway.


You are now Glissa minutes in the past looking to give your friends an update on the situation. You are on the steps of your hive not far from your custodian's CORPSE. You flip through TROLLIAN and find a memo by the name APOCALYPSE NOW-ISH. You post you're piece and get a response.

SHOW MEMO EXCERPTCURRENT bathorysIllustrator [BI] RIGHT NOW has responded to memo
CBI: my respiteblocke just exploded and everythings covered in blood now
CBI: i dont wante to do anything but lay downe when will the meteors try to kill me

FMC: Oh carp.
FMC: I mean, crap.
FMC: Look G\liS\S\a, I know you're feelinG\ really ba/) at the moment but if you /juS\t wait two S\econ/)S\ paS\t me will S\tart trollinG\ you.
FMC: Then the both of you can have one of the moS\t poiG\nant an/) heartfelt feelinG\S\-/jamS\ in the hiS\tory of para/)ox S\pace.

CSS: Good thing I'm in the sea.
CBI: Why shoulde I even
CBI: whate
CBI: fine, i'll be waitinge

Skip to now and you are once again waiting for Caoway.

>Fuck this, start this feelings jam.

Yeah why should you wait for him anymore! He kept you waiting for a sweep already.

Show feelings jam--bathorysIllustrator [BI] has begun trolling melancholicChumly [MC] --

BI: So
BI: Hello. You tolde me you were goinge to tell yourselfe about this conversation.
BI" You have beene takinge your time on starting this.

MC: What?
MC: Oh, I G\et it. "Future me".
MC: I now have a powerful urG\e to break a clock.
BI: There was supposede to be something about feelingse.
BI: Lets try to make it quicke.

MC: Look, your moS\t AuG\uS\t an/) ES\teeme/) Fancy FinS\, I know that you're uS\e/) to G\ettinG\ whatever you want whenever you want it, but I am not fuckinG\ pS\ychic S\o I have know i/)ea what kin/) of feelinG\S\ S\houl/) be /)iS\cuS\S\e/) here or even why we S\houl/) /)iS\cuS\S\ them.
MC: An/) what'S\ your hurry anyway?
MC: Your S\eS\S\ion iS\n't /)ue to S\tart until after Piron'S\.
BI: really
BI: So did future you juste put you up to this?
BI: Say we were goinge to have a meaningful talke just so you can tell me "fuck off"?
BI: Well i don't have to put up withe it. So right back at you. I have to see if anything is left in my respiteblocke, like clothes not covered in blood. Go choke on a cuttlefish.

MC: Hey! For your information, your hiGh\neS\S\, I /)on't have any converS\ationS\ with myS\elf for the next
MC: Wait, /)i/) you S\ay bloo/)?
MC: AS\ in, not culle/) wriG\G\ler bloo/) proceS\S\e/) an/) ma/)e into paint but /juS\t plain bloo/)?
BI: Yes jackass.
BI: The facte that something's deade make you care all of a sudden? What a shocke.

MC: ...
MC: IS\ the S\omethinG\ that'S\ /)ea/) BiroS\te?
MC: G\liS\S\a?
MC: Are you S\till there?
BI: Yes. to bothe
BI: I read the olde memos. A lot of theme are deade. I'm not going to lose my composure now though.
BI: Thate all you wanted to hear?

MC: Uh, well...
MC: Are you S\ure you're all riG\ht?
BI: Im pretty sure of it.
BI: Im feeling numbe right now. I just want to lie downe

MC: If you nee/) a quick reS\pite then by all meanS\.
MC: But maybe you S\houl/) wait until after you S\erver for Piron an/) you know, enter the G\ame yourS\elf.
MC: You /)on't want to fall aS\leep an/) be obliterate/) by meteorS\ now /)o you?
BI: Uggggggg fuckinge meteors!
BI: Why did I evene show Derpah the gogdamn temple. I shoulde have known he was an idiot. I let him keepe the disks and everythinge!

MC: It'S\ not your fault.
MC: You coul/)n't have known that the /)iS\kS\ woul/) brinG\ about the en/) of the worl/).
MC: Hell, /)erpah ma/)e the G\ame an/) he /)i/)n't even believe it woul/) really work.
BI: Its the plaine damne principal of the matter.
BI: It was my fuckinge temple. Why give some low bloode the damn artifact?
BI: Darn-it nowe I'm even talkinge like one.

MC: I can't tell if you're tryinG\ to G\et a riS\e out of me or if you are honeS\tly that naive.
MC: I'll /juS\t G\ive you the benefit of the /)oubt, S\ince
MC: Um.
BI: Juste speake up.
BI: Or are you goinge to go all troll Michael Cera on me?
BI: If that is the case I am sure I have plenty of failede suitors whom you can get your ass kickede by.

MC: I'll let that G\o too.
MC: If only becauSe you're upS\et at the moment an/) I can relate to that.
BI: Why am I even doinge this.
BI: Whatever, Im too far embroiled in this.
BI: I'm going to lay my metaphorical cards on the table: I'm angry. At myself, at Derpah, at Varola, even you and several inanimate objectse.
BI: I juste want to rush into my hive and breake something i don't even know whate

MC: If it waS\ anyone elS\e, I woul/) completely back up ventinG\ their fruS\tration by breakinG\ the junk layinG\ aroun/) in their hive.
MC: But I've hear/) about the artifactS\ you keep an/) I think breakinG\ any one of them woul/) probably be a cataS\trophic miS\take of /)erpian proportionS\.
MC: S\o pleaS\e, let'S\ /juS\t keep talkinG\.
MC: Why are you ma/) at NaS\ryl anyway? What /)i/) he /)o?
[color=#9370D8BI: Wait rewinde.
BI: Whate about my collectione?
BI: It was only the guitar that was dangerouse. I thinke.[/color]
MC: I take it you /)i/)n't hear what /)erpah uS\e/) that /)eath ray you gave him for.
MC: How IS\ a muS\ical inS\trument /)anG\erouS\?
BI: deathe ray
BI: But
BI: It was perfectly functional telescope
BI: uhh I don't know. I played it and I don't remember what happened. My ears are ringing though

MC: No, it waS\ a /)eath ray with a fuctional tarG\etinG\ S\cope.
MC: Are you tellinG\ me that you really ha/) no i/)ea that practically every piece in your muS\eum iS\ an ancient weapon of maS\S\ /)eS\truction?
BI: I had my suspicionse about the shotgun.
BI: Whate do you mean every item? Nothing's happenede until now? Woule every of my visitors have recognizede them?

MC: Well, not everyone.
MC: /juS\t /)erpah that I know of, S\ince he haS\ a throbbinG\ bone bulG\e for thoS\e S\ortS\ of thinG\S\.
MC: I G\ueS\S\ If I ha/) pai/) a viS\it to your hive an/) ha/) never talke/) to /)erpah before, I probably woul/)n't have recoG\nize/) them for what they are.
MC: But we're G\ettinG\ off topic.
MC: You wante/) to talk about your feelinG\S\ riG\ht?
BI: Oh yeahe. Anger.
BI: I callede Nasryl. I asked him what to do, but all his suggestionse wouldn't work. Then he juste ran from the conversatione.
BI: If I knowe him at all, he's probably cryinge about it righte now.

MC: Yeah, probably becauS\e he feelS\ horrible that he coul/)n't /)o anythinG\ to help.
MC: What exactly /)i/) you expect him to /)o, G\liS\S\a?
MC: He'S\ half a worl/) away an/) tryinG\ to talk a moS\t likely hyS\terical ki/) throuG\h
MC: I /)on't even know what.
MC: If it'S\ all riG\ht, can I aS\k what happene/) with BiroS\te?
BI: One of his finse is missing. I couldn'te do anthinge, if I touchede him I'd just cut my hande apart.
MC: That'S\ terrible.
MC: But if you coul/)n't touch him, there waS\n't much NaS\ryl coul/)'ve /)one for you.
MC: It'S\ no oneS\ fault that BiroS\te /)ie/).
BI: I knowe. It doesn'te make me any lesse angry about it though.
BI: I thought I knew whate the thingse in my hive were though. But nope, I was just wronge.

MC: Yeah, I've been fin/)inG\ that a whole lot of thinG\S\ that I thouG\ht are wronG\ aS\ well.
BI: So
BI: Whate is Derpah's doome game like?
BI: Since I have no choice but to play ite.

MC: For S\tarterS\, it putS\ another perS\on in a poS\ition to completely fuck with your S\tuff.
MC: Then you have to fiG\ure out S\ome S\illy puzzle with all the equipment.
MC: Which lea/)S\ into another teS\t which you have to paS\S\ before a /)amne/) S\pace rock S\maS\heS\ into you.
MC: You're then tranS\porte/) to another /)imenSion calle/) the me/)ium, locate/) inS\i/)e the inciphiS\phere.
MC: The me/)ium iS\ fille/) with a bunch of G\ritty baS\tar/)S\ who will meS\S\ with anythinG\ that your S\erver player haS\n't alrea/)y broken.
BI: glub
BI: Zebrek is my server.
BI: Oh Gog I almost forgot about Zebrek. He says he wantse to kill Scalis, and Scalis isn't respondinge to me!

MC: ZEBREK wantS\ to kill S\caliS\?
BI: Somethinge about Scalis killinge Twinkleberry I don't knowe.
BI: I knowe Scalis was shaken since the 'incident' but I didn't think he'd do this.
BI: There bothe my friends sort of. I don't want them to kille eachother!

MC: Crappie, I'll have to talk to both of them when I G\et a chance then.
MC: Um, I've been out of the loop for a while.
MC: What inci/)ent are you talkinG\ about?
MC: On S\econ/) thouG\ht, forG\et it. I /)on't want to know.
BI: You really don't.
BI: If somethinge like that happened to me, Im not sure how I would acte.
BI: I'm going to go talke to Zebrek
BI: Thanke you I guess

MC: You're welcome?
MC: Oh, it'S\ probably worth mentioninG\ that the G\ame can alS\o revive your luS\uS\.
BI: whate
BI: Why
BI: The
BI: I juste opened up my feelingse to you, and NOW you say he isn't deade for good!

MC: Well, you /)i/) S\ay that you wante/) to talk about feelinG\S\ an/) all that.
BI: Well I
BI: But
BI: Bluh!

-- bathorysIllustrator [BI] has ceased trolling melancholicChumly [MC] --

It has left you with many a mixed emotion. As you sit there soaking up the plethora of emotions, he contacts you again.

PLEASE JUST LET IT STOP-- bathorysIllustrator [BI] has ceased trolling melancholicChumly [MC] --

-- melancholicChumly [MC] started trolling batorysIllustrator [BI] --
MC: Hey, bluhinG\ and boltinG\ iS\n't very proper behaviour.
BI: Fine. I'll glub and bolt!
BI: By the way, don't think I've forgotten the crustaceon apology dance.

MC: Oh.
MC: About that.
BI: People have been cullede for failure I'll have you know.
MC: Yeah, I know.
MC: US\e/) to know thiS\ one annoyinG\ fuck who waS\ obS\eS\S\e/) with /)ancinG\.
MC: He'S\ /)ea/) now.
MC: But I wante/) to S\ay S\omethinG\ elS\e.
MC: When I apoloG\ize/) earlier, well it waS\ leS\S\ than S\incere.
MC: I /)i/)n't really think that you were worrie/) about me an/) were tryinG\ to G\uilt me about it.
MC: But that's a stupid thing to think and I'm the scum of Alternia for ever believing that.
MC: Believing that you're responsible for the death of someone you care about is a terrible feeling and
MC: From the bottom of my heart, I am sorry for putting you through that.
MC: I owe you one hell of a dance.
MC: G\warG\, I hate typinG\ like that.
BI: There we go.
BI: Thank you.
BI: For reale this time.

MC: Your very much welcome, FroS\ty FinS\.
MC: Oh, one more thinG\.
MC: G\lub.

-- melancholicChumly [MC] ceased trolling bathorysIllustrator [BI] --

<>? <3? <3<? c3<?

>Stop pondering your emotions and be productive.

You look around and see that Aldurin opened a memo sort of a while ago. You responde to it, and you manage to keep your cool in this discussion.

show pesterlogCURRENT technopathicalAnomaly [TA] RIGHT NOW opened memo URGENT CHANGE OF PLANS on board
CTA: bAd nEws And bAd nEws
CTA: fIrst bAd nEws, thE mEtEOrs wOn't ImpAct tO fIt OUr OrIgInAl sEqUEncE
CTA: sEcOnd bAd nEws, wE'rE cUttIng OUr tEAms In hAlf tO AccOmmOdAtE
CTA: glIssA And rEztEk ArE nOw prOmOtEd tO lEAdIng thE EntrY fOr thE sEcOnd hAlvEs Of thEIr rEspEctIvE tEAMs
CTA: wIth AnY lUck thIs shOUld fIt thE mEtEOrlOgIcAl schEdUle And lEt All Of Us gO In AlIvE
CTA: AlsO If yOU'rE rEAdIng thIs frOm thE fUtUrE gO tEll yOUr dAmn pAst sElvEs thAt thIs Is whAt's hAppEnIng

FUTURE eloquentOrchestrator [EO] ??? HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo
FEO: Shit I musT havE misSed tHis mEmo dUrinG my rCent Memo BingE
FEO: ThesE cloCks aLwayS shoW surPrisE nooDles For mE but Its oNly bEen lIke tWentY minUtes SincE theN

CTA: dAmmIt, wEll At lEAst yOU knOw EvEntUAllY
CTA: glIssA, ArE yOU rEAdIng thIs

FUTURE bathorysIllustrator [FBI] 15 MINUTES FROM NOW responded to memo
FBI: I guesse it won't be too long a gap until I reade it
FBI: Yeah I get it though. I still have time to enter. I won't bother paste me though.

CTA: gOOd, nOw thOsE OthErs thAt mAy sEE thIs jUst nEEd tO fOllOw thE plAn
technopathicalAnomaly [TA] closed memo CHANGE OF PLANS

Finally! You get to be the star! Time to form your own great team!

Now lets see. Caoway already leads his own team, you hate Leraje, Piron is going to be your client, so she's on there team, you haven't heard anything from Iropha or Ballaa, Nasryl is likely afraid to respond, and you sort of give up at this point.

You come to the unfortunate conclusion that you're crack team consists of Gorrma, Zebrek, and Sharl. The chef, the Zebrek, and the merchant. Fuck. They'll have to suffice though... for now.

SHOW LOG-- bathorysIllustrator [BI] has begun pestering [deepskyblue]spectacularHellion [SH][/color] --

BI: Well hello Zebrek
BI: Goode news.
BI: For you at leaste
BI: The game is goinge to be sped up. So we will connect soon. Here's our memo. Follow the linke.
BI: Also, can we talk aboute Scalis later? Once we have bothe entered?

SHOW LOG-- bathorysIllustrator [BI] has begun pestering omnipotentOmnivore [OO] --

BI: Greetingse Gorrma.
BI: I am sorry to hear of your losse. I believe we all are.
BI: However, there is apparently a change in plans. We are splitting into four groups of four temporarily. Once I am in, I trust you can helpe Zebrek in. After that Sharl may helpe you.
BI: Here is the link to our memo
BI: Be ready.

SHOW LOG-- bathorysIllustrator [BI] has begun pestering butketHed [BH] --

BI: You're trollhandle physically hurte to type just now.
BI: I'm running oute of optionse though.
BI: So congrats, you were chosen laste in this game of Alternian Doom Dodgeball.
BI: Here is our memo, be ready to link up with Gorrma once she gets Zebrek in. Then I thinke you loop back arounde to Caoway.

>Glissa: Open Memo

SHOW MEMOCURRENT bathorysIllustrator [CBI] has opened a memo on board WHEN NO ONE EXPECTS IT

CBI: The apocalypse is now people. The ende is nigh.
CBI: I volunteer myself to go first.
CBI: In moments, me and Zebrek will connect and I'll hopefully enter this "medium" thing the otherse describe.
CBI: Reportedly, we can also revive our lussi.
CBI: Gorrma, Sharl, get your affairs in order and prepare to move out as welle.

Last edited by Bard The 5th LW; 03-20-2011 at 12:54 PM.
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Unread 03-23-2011, 08:27 PM   #7
Bard The 5th LW
Feelin' Super!
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Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

>Nasryl: Respond

You are busy crying over the death of two other people's lussi when it appears you have been greeted by a message from Reztek.

This appeals to your interests

SHOW MEMOCURRENT eloquentOrchestrator [EO] RIGHT NOW opened a memo on board RHYTHM & BUTCHERY
EO: HopeFullY you Are aLl awAre tHat tHereS beeN a chAnge In plAns bY now, And tHat wE are Now oUr owN teaM
EO: And oF couRse bY "we" i Mean VintAg, naSryl, AlduRin aNd of CourSe mySelf
EO: If yoU are Not pArt oF teaM r&b Then You wIll bE banNed oN sigHt
EO: FirsT ordEr of BusiNess, We neEd to StarT plaYing The dAmn gAme aLreaDy
EO: VintAg, im SorrY aboUt yoUr luSus bUt thE gamE can Help BrinG him Back, And tHe soOner You cOnneCt to Me thE sooNer nAsryL can Help You
EO: BasiCallY eveRyonE get In toUch wIth yOur pArtnErs aS quiCkly As poSsibLe (in The pReseNt plEase)
EO: I wanT thiS chaIn to Be as OrgaNizeD and As faSt as PossIble
EO: We arE in tHis nOt onLy to SurvIve, bUt to Win!

technopathicalAnomaly [TA] responded to memo RIGHT NOW
TA: plEAsE dOn't dIssAppOInt mE As bAdlY As thE OthErs hAvE
TA: nOw Is nOt thE tImE fOr mE tO lOsE fAIth In All Of yOU
TA: I mEAn hAvE yOU hEArd AbOUt EvErYthIng thAt's gOnE wrOng?
TA: thE fAn hAs brOkEn frOm All Of thE shIt thAt hAs hIt It
TA: bUt bAck tO bUsInEss, jUst trY tO AdvAncE thIs As qUIcklY As pOssIblE
TA: I rEAllY dOn't wAnt tO tEst If I hAvE thE cApAbIlItIEs tO shOOt dOwn mY mEtEOr bEfOrE It hIts

burlesqueBalderdash [BB] responded to memo RIGHT NOW
BB: O>o rez can vicki really be brought back STOP
BB: O>o please tell me that isnt some cruel joke those are my least favorite kind STOP
BB: O>o oh STOP
BB: O>o sorry for the delay STOP
BB: O>o ive been... uh... STOP
BB: O>o yeah ill just do that connecting thing at you now STOP

EO: Yes oUr luSii cAn be BrouGht bAck tO lifE
EO: Sort Of
EO: Im noT to cLear On thE detAils But tHe otHer mEmos Seem To be ConfIrmiNg whAt my SourCe toLd me
EO: Just Make Sure You pRotoType Your LusuS witH the KernEl
EO: Well I gueSs yoU wilL see Me do It soOn so We wiLl fiNd ouT
EO: The gAme iS almOst dOne iNstaLlinG on tHis sHittY old GrubTop sO i wiLl trOll yOu whEn itS donE

CURRENT hazardousPractitioner [CHP] has responded to memo RIGHT NOW
CHP: There's still hXpe then!
CHP: FXr Cathara and Vikki and Glissa's lusus!
CHP: This is incredible!
CHP: Vintag, I'm sX sXrry for just leaving yXu in that last lXg.
CHP: Uhh.
CHP: I guess I dXn't have much else tX add. The clip art appeals tX me I suppXse.

TA: gOOd tO knOw yOU'rE bAck wIth Us, nAsrYl

You are so ecstatic about the apparent Sgrub MiRaClE that you don't even respond. You throw your arms up in the air and rush off back to your MORGUE. You have to make Cathara presentable for revival.

You definitely don't have some sort of problem or anything.

>Glissa: examine memo

It seems you have caught your teams attention. Good. THe sooner you connect the sooner BIROST can be revived and you can move away from the blood pool. You WOULD go inside... but what Caoways said sort of frightens you. You aren't sure if you want to enter there, especially with Zebrek steering the wheel.

SHOW MEMOCURRENT bathorysIllustrator [CBI] has opened a memo on board WHEN NO ONE EXPECTSE IT

CBI: The apocalypse is now people. The ende is nigh.
CBI: I volunteer myself to go first.
CBI: In moments, me and Zebrek will connect and I'll hopefully enter this "medium" thing the otherse describe.
CBI: Reportedly, we can also revive our lusii.
CBI: Gorrma, Sharl, get your affairs in order and prepare to move out as welle.

FUTURE spectacularHellion []FSH] 0:37 HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo.
FSH: wait
FSH: i can bring twinkleberry back?
FSH: but but but
FSH: twinkleberrys outside and im caved in!
FSH: how do i get to him?

CURRENT butketHed RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
CBH: >_< I was going to help Gormma, even if I didn't get that distastefully phrased memo.
CBH: although, this sudden haste... has something changed that I'm not aware of?
CBH: I was under the impression that there was more trolls in our respective group to take account of...

CBI: A cave in!
CBI: Uhh I don't really knowe how to handle this.
CBI: I will saye this though, don't do anythinge rash. Don't blowe anything up, it will just make it worse. I think. Haven't been on land in a while.
CBI: Juste
CBI: I don't knowe. Try to do whate you can. Who knows, maybe a solution will occur once we start playinge?

CURRENT omnipotentOmnivore [COO] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
COO: hey guysh you'll never guessh what i jusht ate!
COO: i meant to tell you earlier in the other memo but i got dishtracted by my overwhelming
COO: urge for revenge. anyway, i wash in my hive being angshty when i caught a--
COO: oh hey we have fewer people on our team now?

CBI: Welle yes. Somewhat stunted teams to move the entries along.
CBI: We'll probably rejoine the rest of Fortress when the time comes.
CBI: You stille there Zebrek?
CBI: We shoulde probably get started...

FSH: i cant get out how do i get out i cant get to twinkleberry help me help me help me how do i get outttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttttttt
[color=#9370D8}CBI: Uhh welle
CBI: Maybe you shoulde uhh
CBI: Maybe you can figure it our once the game startse
CBI: After you see the Server toolse, we can see if there is anything Gorrma can help you with.
CBI: Yeah thate. We should connect to get started on thate.[/color]

Is how you were treating Nasryl earlier?

You are sort of starting to worry.You understand he's angsting and all, you sort of plan on angsting later as well, but YOUR life is at stake right now. Aldurin made it sound like there isn't much time left...

Indeed there wasn't. Glissa couldn't see it from her shallow position under the polar caps, but the space rock had already appeared right above her hive and was made a straight descent for the water and ice that encased her home.

>Glissa: Be the Imp

You are now a club headed CALCIUM IMP and you are flipping the fuck out. The SAGE is wasting your friends left and right and you don't know what to do. From your vantage point, you see him talking to his SPRITE, apparently in something of a ceasefire. Maybe you should run away for now? The VICEROY would certainly prefer a report from a survivor than a whole dead team of imps. He's also less likely to show you his STABS unlike the ARCHAGENT.

Yeah, thats what you'll do. You skulk off out of the odd and cluttered SHACK and find nowhere to go. The jackass hasn't built up his gate yet. Fuck.

>Take the plunge

You do the only thing you can and hurl yourself from the ledge of his hive and into the waves below. Anything to get away. Hopefully they'll send THE HOUNDS to deal with this prick while your away.

>They: Send the hounds


Suddenly, after BEECHIESPRITE'S monologue, a shrill bark fills the air. From the outside of the small HIVE, a pack of three QUARTZ TEARRIERS group together and ready themselves for attack. The dogs themselves reach up a little over half Caoway's hive and their legs are at an unnatural distance between each other. Their claws are more like daggers and they seem to carry two maws that hunger for flesh. They distinctly lack eyes as well. The first of them appears to have the facial feacher's of Beechie and his glasses, despite the lack of eyes, and his paws are shaped like diamonds. The Second one has forelegs in the shape of Beechie's arms and claws, making for an awkward gait and appearance. The third one has inherited STRIZE'S antennae and possesses third set of legs that come from off the mid-section of the tordo and point forward, bearing the mantis's deadly scythes.

They are out for blood and circle the shack slowly, looking for an entrance. Only a matter of time before they start leaping through windows.






That's all Leraje seems to hear after his assault on the Imp's in protection of his custodians corpse. Beating. The drumming sounds emerge seeminglt from the lands below him, and the strong cords that hold his HIVE from the large PIT below vibrate a little with each throb. They grow inconsistent at times though, as though something forces them down.

There has yet been no reprise from the Imps. The MAGE'S brutal counterattack apparently frightened them off. Or perhaps there were just no others left to attack.

Only the WALLSPRITE carried a presence as Leraje wnt to his computer, and it beckoned him to move away from it. Odd, garbled words were strewnabout from the ghostly wall as it urged him to move elsewhere. It wanted him to move towards Seymour. It hovered right above the slain lusus bobbing up and down as to almost make a suggestion to the young troll.

How shall he react?

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Unread 03-30-2011, 05:51 PM   #8
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You don't seem to notice your sprite, waving it away with a frantic shoosh pap. You are unreasonably distracted because your biggest weakness has suddenly decided to message you.

That's right. Vintag.

Leraje: Reminisce.

Humor had always been something seriously lacking in your life, Seymour had not ever been a very supporting lusus when it came to kindness and fun. He was always trying to kill you after all. As a result when you first came into contact with Vintag you weren't quite sure how to react. Typically you responded like a cunning warrior to most people, subtly pushing their buttons until they worked the way you needed them to in order to win, but Vintag had gotten to your buttons first.

Mostly the funny bone.

Her every odd performance always had you rolling and unlike everyone else you ever met you never did make it to trying to control her, or even ship her! You would not realize it, but you were very flushed with her. All you did know was you had the bad habit of panicking when it seemed like you said something stupid. Which was all the time. This time was no different.

Leraje: Break your computer.

After having this conversation you panicked(as always) but this time had the genius to whap your desk with your chains. The end result was the destruction of your PC, which was sad because it was a really good computer. Though without the distractions you finally noticed the sprite bothering you.

You stopped your papping and shooshing long enough to follow it to Seymour, and you figured you knew what it wanted. You severed the chain and it fell in, and there was a sudden brightness as the thing transformed, where the TV used to be there was the image of Seymour, with a ghostly tail, and a chain around his neck, his face replaced with a TV screen.

Seymour: STRIFE!

You hug the little grubber. Wait what?! What is this! Why did you hug him? I mean...sure he could use a hug and all but that wasn't something a warrior like yourself did. That was what softies filled with emotions like trolls did, you were supposed to be fighting to make him stronger!

Seymoursprite: YOU LITTLE WORM! What have you done?
Leraje: Well...I tossed your corpse. Into the sprite thing, I guess. Why?
Seymoursprite: What in the ever loving hell are you talking about boy?
Leraje: RECAP!

Seymour, oddly patient stood by and listened to your story, but at some point found the time to interrupt you.

Seymoursprite: WAIT. What you are telling me, is you fused my being with the essence of that deviant mass of emotions you call a shipwall!
Leraje: Huh, I guess I did. This explains the hugging.
Seymoursprite: You insignificant little swine! I WILL MURDER YOU!
You end up hugging him again. You just can't help it. You love him. He smiles and goes on his merry way. You swear you will find some way to get back at him for infesting you with these damnedable feelings, but for now you guess you have to help him with this quest. He was starting to get sidetracked.

Time to bust out the glow sticks!
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Unread 04-09-2011, 06:18 PM   #9
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You are now Reztek.

> What? No! What about the quest!

Quests are for chumps. Organization and music is where it's at.

> Hate you so much.

Reztek is currently sitting in his sub-basement, watching the psychedelic SGRUB installation screen. It's taking a really long time on this old shitty grubtop.

> Stop ignoring me!

He decides now would be a good time to check in on the team memo.


On second thought now would be a great time to re-organize the entire sub-basement. There are a lot of boxes filled with CHERISHED MEMORABILIA and various NICK-KNACKS.

> Reztek: Check on memo

Much better. You open up the memo and are glad to see the others didn't take long to find it.

show pesterlogtechnopathicalAnomaly [TA] responded to memo RIGHT NOW
TA: plEAsE dOn't dIssAppOInt mE As bAdlY As thE OthErs hAvE
TA: nOw Is nOt thE tImE fOr mE tO lOsE fAIth In All Of yOU
TA: I mEAn hAvE yOU hEArd AbOUt EvErYthIng thAt's gOnE wrOng?
TA: thE fAn hAs brOkEn frOm All Of thE shIt thAt hAs hIt It
TA: bUt bAck tO bUsInEss, jUst trY tO AdvAncE thIs As qUIcklY As pOssIblE
TA: I rEAllY dOn't wAnt tO tEst If I hAvE thE cApAbIlItIEs tO shOOt dOwn mY mEtEOr bEfOrE It hIts

burlesqueBalderdash [BB] responded to memo RIGHT NOW
BB: O>o rez can vicki really be brought back STOP
BB: O>o please tell me that isnt some cruel joke those are my least favorite kind STOP
BB: O>o oh STOP
BB: O>o sorry for the delay STOP
BB: O>o ive been... uh... STOP
BB: O>o yeah ill just do that connecting thing at you now STOP

EO: Yes oUr luSii cAn be BrouGht bAck tO lifE
EO: Sort Of
EO: Im noT to cLear On thE detAils But tHe otHer mEmos Seem To be ConfIrmiNg whAt my SourCe toLd me
EO: Just Make Sure You pRotoType Your LusuS witH the KernEl
EO: Well I gueSs yoU wilL see Me do It soOn so We wiLl fiNd ouT
EO: The gAme iS almOst dOne iNstaLlinG on tHis sHittY old GrubTop sO i wiLl trOll yOu whEn itS donE

CURRENT hazardousPractitioner [CHP] has responded to memo RIGHT NOW
CHP: There's still hXpe then!
CHP: FXr Cathara and Vikki and Glissa's lusus!
CHP: This is incredible!
CHP: Vintag, I'm sX sXrry for just leaving yXu in that last lXg.
CHP: Uhh.
CHP: I guess I dXn't have much else tX add. The clip art appeals tX me I suppXse.

TA: gOOd tO knOw yOU'rE bAck wIth Us, nAsrYl
BB: O>o dont worry about it nasryl STOP
BB: O>o in fact STOP
BB: O>o do me a favor and dont mention that log again STOP


Looks like everyone is up to speed. Now if only that damn game would finish installing. Looks like you will have to kill some time before that happens though.

> Reztek: Investigate boxes

You open up the nearest box and carefully remove a stack of papers. They are all extremely old sheet music, original copies in fact. However you have taken the liberty of defiling them with various annotations and translations. For when properly decoded these songs are actually the hidden journal of the greatest Troll musician that ever lived. He is never referred to by name, and is simply known as The Orchestrator. You have spent sweeps accumulating and decoding his work. It has been your life's work ever since the carpenter drones building your hive found a box marked with his, your, symbol.

However you were strongly discouraged from finding more pieces of The Orchestrator's journal after the most recent entry that you decoded.

> Reztek: Read latest entry

show journalogI havE defIed fAte oNce aGain.

TodaY was My thIrd aUdieNce wIth tHe grAnd hIghbLood And fOr thE thiRd tiMe i hAve eScapEd wiTh my Life. ThouGh i fEar mY lucK is rUnniNg ouT.

A truE musIciaN musT be aBle tO guaGe thEir aUdieNce oR risK offEndiNg thE wroNg soRt of TrolL. as sUch i Fear The gRandHighBlooD is gRowiNg boRed oF my sPectAcleS.

He haS invIted Me to PrefOrm iN his CourT agaIn toMorrOw anD i knOw it Will Be my Last. The fOurtH visIt, thE fouRth bEat, aNd siLencE aftEr; it Is beFittIng oF the HighBlooDs seNse oF humOur.

My onLy hoPe is To abSconD. A felLow pErfoRmer And i Have Made PlanS for Just Such An ocCasiOn. i hOpe aLl goEs weLl foR her And i This NighT.


The Grand Highblood was the most fearsome troll in that age. He butchered countless trolls for amusement. You doubt your ancestor managed to escape, and if he did he was probably hunted down and killed, or brought before the Grand Highblood and then killed.

> Enough with the grimdark. Reztek: Check SGRUB.

You do just that. It seems the game is done downloading. You promptly inform Vintag of the situation.


show pesterlog--eloquentOrchestrator [EO] began trolling burlesqueBalderdash [BB]--
EO: I havE the Game InstAlleD but I canT unpLug mY curRent HuskTop
EO: The bAtteRy is An olD pieCe of TrasH and Cant Hold A chaRge
EO: Im goIng tO go iNspeCt thE damAge tO my hIve aNd trY to fInd oNe of My spAre cOmpuTers
EO: Feel Free To dePloy The gAme tHingS and Fix tHe moRe unStabLe paRts oF my Hive

> Reztek: Explore Hive

You cautiously emerge from the sub-basement. It seems like everything is fine so far, though most of the damage is probably upstairs near your respite block.

> Reztek: Look for other Reztek

He's probably dead but it couldn't hurt to look. You could at least give yourself a proper burial. You head upstairs, and enter the hallway outside of your respite block. The first thing you notice is that everything taller than your head is missing. Walls, the ceiling, everything you meticulously organized. It looks like a shockwave blasted the upper level of your hive, but didn't travel any lower than your neck. Definitely not a good sign.

> Reztek: Inspect respite block

You make your way to the end of the hallway and move the splintered half-door out of the way. What you find is rather gruesome. The other you is lying there, sprawled on the ground, still missing his arm, but now his head is gone too. You look around but don't see it anywhere. However you do notice that your wall of amps (or what remains of it) was dialed all the way up to twelve. The shockwave was obviously his doing, and in his weakened state and the sheer amount of sound he tried to wield it's a miracle he channeled it as well as he did. Had he ducked slightly he might have kept his head.

> Reztek: Give Reztek a proper burial.

You would, but a glance sky-wards shows a peculiar speck of light that seems to be growing brighter. It doesn't take a genius to guess it's a meteor heading straight for you. Might as well just put his body out of sight until you have time to deal with it. As you drag yourself into the closet something falls out of dead you's pocket.

> Reztek: Read the note

show journalogReztEk, yoU proBablY thiNk im An idIot rIght Now. tRuth Is i sAved Your Life By deStroYing The fIrst MeteOr. thE secOnd iS stiLl coMing. I alsO lefT you My stRife SpecIbus aNd a wOrkiNg grUbtoP. now HurrY up aNd coNtacT vinTag.

P.s. yoU donT die Like This. You wIll uNderStanD eveNtuaLly.


Attached to the note is an Axkind Strife Specibus and a Grubtop inside a standard array modus card. You stick the Specibus in your Strife Portfolio and remove the Grubtop from the card. It's game time.

> Reztek: Get back in touch with Vintag

show pesterlogBB: O>o ill do what i can STOP
BB: O>o for a fella thats obsessed with orchestration STOP
BB: O>o this is a fine mess youve made yourself here rockstar STOP
BB: O>o with a coupla pointers from me you could be living in piles of your own filth STOP

EO: Okay I finAlly FounD a coMputEr thAt isNt brOken
EO: And dOnt eVen gEt me StarTed oN the Mess
EO: FutuRe me Was a ReckLess MuscLebeAst pOsteRior And i Plan To do EverYthiNg i cAn to Not eNd up Like Him
EO: SpeaKing Of whIch pLeasE donT looK in wHat rEmaiNs of My clOset

BB: O>o yknow i think ill get through this game faster if i start ignoring the insane ramblings of all you people STOP
BB: O>o even so STOP
BB: O>o whats in the closet rez STOP
BB: O>o my curiosity demands prompt satiation STOP

EO: No
EO: EverY timE i trY not To meNtioN him SomeOne aSks aNd foR somE reaSon i SpilL the BeanS
EO: But iM donE witH thaT now
EO: I wilL nevEr acKnowLedgE deaD me aGain
EO: ...
EO: Fuck
EO: Ok igNore That, Game Talk Now
EO: WherE did You pUt thE thiNgs?

BB: O>o i havent put em anywhere yet STOP
BB: O>o these things are damn big and the game wont let me put them anywhere thats occupied with another object STOP
BB: O>o which due to the aforementioned mess is everywhere STOP
BB: O>o guess ill be the maid now STOP

EO: Well Try tO keeP theM relAtivEly cLose TogeTher
EO: The gUide And mEmos Seem To imPly lOts oF scaMperIng aBout And i Dont Know How mUch tIme wE havE

BB: O>o alright then ill deploy them in the basement STOP
BB: O>o since it seems to be only part of your hive that isnt a wingedrodentshit labryinth of doubt and miasma STOP
BB: O>o tell me if you have a problem with me chucking the stuff down here STOP

EO: The bAsemEnt sHoulD worK finE
EO: Just Give Me a mOmenT to gEt baCk doWn thEre

> Moments later, but not many

show pesterlogBB: O>o always leavin the ladies waitin STOP
BB: O>o typical STOP

EO: I wouLd be More ConcErneD witH proPer cHivaLrioUs deMeanOurs If thEre wAsnt A metEor hEadiNg stRaigHt foR me
EO: SpeaKing Of whIch gRab oNe of ThesE boxEs anD droP it oN the CruxTrudEr

BB: O>o thats the one that looks like a sewage unobstructator device right STOP
EO: Yeah. The sTupiD fidDly wHeel Wont BudgE
BB: O>o violence and otherworldy technology always produce the best results STOP
BB: O>o consider it bonked STOP

EO: No waIt NOt THAt BOX!


Vintag decided to use the box containing you life's work, the painstakingly pieced together journal of The Orchestrator. The sheet music slash journal is scattered everywhere. All of that time spent piecing it together in the right order lost.

show pesterlogEO: FuuuUuuuUuucK!!!!!!!!
EO: It toOk me SweePs to Find ThosE! let AlonE pieCe thEm toGethEr in The rIght OrdeR!

BB: O>o wait are you saying make your own boxes STOP
EO: Fuck The bOx!
EO: That SheeT musIc hoLds a HiddEn joUrnaL thaT ive SlowLy piEced TogeTher
EO: Now i Have To reOrgaNize It alL

BB: O>o hey what no STOP
BB: O>o quit casting your feline lusus offsprings all over for that crap STOP
BB: O>o well have so many uneeded lusii it will be our personal lusinarium STOP
BB: O>o i dont even know if that is a word STOP
BB: O>o then they will all die because of the meteors coming to obliterate you STOP
BB: O>o do you really want all that metaphorical anxiety kitten blood on your hands STOP
BB: O>o are you listening STOP

EO: What The fUck aRe yoU talKing AbouT?
EO: I donT havE a felIne lUsus I havE an aRmorEd slOw-moVing ReptIle

BB: O>o shut up thats not even the point STOP
EO: Wait YourE rigHt! scRew yOur hOrriBle aNaloGy we Need To puT sheLly iN the KernEl spRite
BB: O>o uh ok yeah thats what i was going for STOP
BB: O>o get youre shit together and do that thing you said STOP

EO: You aRe goIng tO havE to dO it
EO: ShelLy is Too bIg foR me tO lifT
EO: She iS in hEr haBitaT so wE jusT neeD to bRing The sPritE theRe soMe hoW

> Reztek: Check the memo while she does that

show pesterlogFUTURE melancholicChumly [FMC] 53:11 HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo.
FMC: Reztek, /)o not ban me!
FMC: Not unleS\S\ you want another /)ea/) you to a/)/) to the pile.
FMC: I nee/) you to /)o me a few S\mall favorS\ to maintain a S\table time loop.

EO: Wait I die More Than Once? How dOes tHat eVen wOrk?
EO: And wHat iS thiS aboUt tiMe loOps?
EO: Fuck It yoU are ProbAbly Just TrolLing Me
EO: Ban tIme

EO banned FMC from responding to memo
FUTURE eloquentOrchestrator [FEO] ??? HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo
FEO unbanned FMC from responding to memo
FEO: Shut Up anD lisTen tO him
FEO: I hatE how StupId i wAs whEn i wAs yoU

FUTURE eloquentOrchestrator [FEO] ceased responding to memo
EO: GogdAmniT finE
EO: What Do yoU wanT caoWay?

FMC: ThiS\ iS\n't about what I want, it'S\ about what nee/)S\ to be /)one.
FMC: Accor/)inG\ to one of the future youS\ anyway.
FMC: FirS\t, I nee/) you to meS\S\aG\e me in your riG\ht now, type /)own the co/)e "f823njD", S\ay it will come in han/)y later, inS\ult me, an/) loG\ off before paS\t me haS\ a chance to reS\pon/).

EO: Fine, Now gEt ouT of oUr meMo
FMC: That was only the firS\t thinG\ that nee/)e/) to be /)one.
FMC: But pleaS\e, by all meanS\, ban me aG\ain S\o that I S\tay out of your S\uperb S\ecret memo.
FMC: Meanwhile, in my riG\ht now, I'll /juS\t wait for another future you S\how up to berate pa/St you before beinG\ /)ecapitate/) by a threS\her.
FMC: BecauS\e that never S\topS\ beinG\ unnervinG\.
FMC: I waS\n't /jokinG\ when I S\ai/) there waS\ a pile. I am literally S\tan/)inG\ riG\ht next to it.

EO: Yes lEts kEep tAlkiNg abOut tHe hoRribLe waYs i dIe ovEr anD oveR becAuse It maKes sO mucH senSe thAt thAt caN be a ThinG thaT is pOssiBle
EO: Oh anD donT forGet tO add CrusHed bY metEor bEcauSe thAts wHats GoinG to hAppeN to mE sooN if yOu doNt teLl me What You wAnt sO i caN stoP wasTing Time In thIs meMo anD entEr thE gamE

FMC: G\o to your turntable, /)rama queen.
EO: WhicH one? I havE at lEast Ten iN my hIve
EO: ActuAlly ProbAbly Less With All tHe daMage FutuRe me Did

FMC: The one that'S\ the leaS\t broken.
FMC: I want you to captchaloG\ue it an/) look at the co/)e on the back.
FMC: MemoriS\e it or write it /)own on a piece of paper, /juS\t make S\ure you can uS\e it later.
FMC: After you've /)one that take it out an/) S\et it on the floor.

EO: This SeemS incRediBly sTupiD

> Reztek: Grab a turntable

You dig through some boxes and find one of your old turntables. It's still in working order... relatively speaking.


show pesterlogEO: But fIne, tHere, Done
FMC: ThiS\ laS\t part'S\ G\oinG\ to be a little har/)er.
FMC: I nee/) you to G\ive me the exact coor/)inateS\ of the turntable, in relation to the center of your hive an/) elevation above S\ea level.

EO: I... whaT? how Do yoU expEct
EO: I donT havE timE for This

FUTURE eloquentOrchestrator [FEO2] ??? HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo
FEO2: You wIll hAve aLl thE timE you Will Ever Need EvenTualLy
FEO2: But fOr noW herE are The cOordInatEs
FEO2: Just Dont ThinK too Hard AbouT how I knoW theM
FEO2: 84.5413 - 50.1612 - 112.1137

FUTURE eloquentOrchestrator [FEO2] ceased responding to memo
EO: Well TherE you Go
EO: Now iF you Dont Have Any oTher MeniAl taSks fOr me I am gOing To fiNish MessIng aRounD witH theSe gaMe coNstrUcts

FMC: That'll /)o, Rez. That'll /)o.
FUTURE melancholicChumly [FMC] ceased responding to memo

> Reztek: Spite Caoway

You do just that and kick the turntable that's lying on the ground, knocking out of it's old coordinates... and right into the ones that future you gave Caoway as it disappearafies. You hate future you even more now. Oh well at least you can still insult current Caoway.

show pesterlog--eloquentOrchestrator [EO] began trolling melancholicChumly [MC] --
EO: f823njD
EO: That Will Come In haNdy lAter
EO: ConsIderIng hOw paThetIc yoU are I thiNk yoU couLd usE all The hElp yOu caN get

--eloquentOrchestrator [EO] ceased trolling melancholicChumly [MC] --

> Reztek: Game stuff! Now! Quickly!

show pesterlogBB: O>o i think youre supposed to put them in a cup and release them outside STOP
BB: O>o that way they are safe in their natural environment STOP
BB: O>o get in the cup ya little hood STOP
BB: O>o i am being conscious of your well being STOP
BB: O>o stop hiding behind furniture i will give you such a beating STOP
BB: O>o i hate you kernelsprite get in my cup STOP
BB: O>o yes run run to your destiny little one STOP
BB: O>o and if you ever come back STOP

EO: Woah I cheCk on The mEmo aNd prEforM somE menIal tAsks For fUturE caoWay aNd yoU go oFf on A graNd spRite Hunt
EO: SomeHow i ManaGe to Miss All tHe fuN
EO: Well If thE sprIte aBsorBed sHellY theN i thInk nOw yoU neeD to gIve mE somE sorT of cArd tO use With The lAthe

BB: O>o woops i think someone ripped up your card STOP
BB: O>o its got more leaks in it than the bathroom at the culled martini STOP
BB: O>o i wonder if anyone ever got hoary-eyed and passed out on this card STOP

EO: RighT letS jusT hopE theSe hoLes aRe suPposEd to Be thEre
EO: So thE carD goeS theRe, thE cruXite Goes TherE
EO: And nOw we Have An odDly sHapeD pieCe of CruxIte

BB: O>o mystifying STOP
BB: O>o does the guide say anything about this STOP

EO: The gUide Was wRittEn by DerpAh
EO: Im suRpriSed iTs goTten Us thIs faR
EO: Well The oNly tHing Left To usE is tHe alChemIter
EO: LookS likE the CruxIte fIts oN thiS staNd
EO: Now wE jusT
EO: Oh
EO: Fuck

> What is it?! The suspense is killing me! There better not be another transition!
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Unread 07-09-2011, 02:01 AM   #10
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Lereaje: Stop getting your ass kicked.

You drag yourself up from the ground and opened up your strife deck pulling up your second card, shacklekind. Up came a pair of shackles that fell around your wrists and ankles. Chains binding your arms and legs together as you planted yourself on all fours and let out a massive hiss.

Leraje: Initiate pounce de leon!

You bounded across the ground and leapt horizontally, trying to ram your arm shackles around the thing's neck with all the strength you had and get riding.
Time to bust out the glow sticks!
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